Ryan "Bozo" Bosworth
How Tik Tok has not been canceled and ended in this country despite growing evidence that it is a tool of espionage and now chaos spreading in America amazes men and more pressure needs to be leveled against out legislators to brig this about. The last straw and dangerous situation was seen as sonme Tik Tok nimrod dissenter so-called star named Adrian brought about a party of chaos and disorder in the strong Californian bastion of conservatism in Hunting
Beach and this was nothing but a call for rioting and looting by so-called internet Tok Toker prick hole named Adrian Lopez. Authorities are now trying to figure out what to do about the new dangers posed by this Chinese entity of provocation and mass disorder and the potential of Tik Tok to be used for spontaneous looting and rioting attack on businesses sand out capitalist structure was evident as there were over three hundred arrests as thousand and thousands and thousandths of leftist teens came to Huinting Beach and clashed with police under the cover of a party for some Tik Top Spic.

confrontations with police and the use of Tik Tok to bring about rioting and uprising in pre-selected communities may be a tactic used b y the extremists on the left that will eventually get this stupid teen brainwashing and cultural degenerative dance social site to finally be banned and brought down in this country.
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