Hundreds of thousands of Australians resist and clash with government fascists and Covid Nazis

     Calvin Hamilton

   Australian citizens in Melbourne and Sydney have been under some of the most nefarious restrictions and police state antics of the Covid era and many have had enough as thousands  took to the streets to protest the latest rounds of brutal authoritarian that has been a hallmark of this demon in charge of Australia named  as he issued a decree people must not ever venture out of their house for anything after a 176 cases were reported in  a nation of 25 million. This is full totalitarianism and the Scott Morrison administration has done his best to press forward with attacking the rights of the average Australasian and this is what the Aussie government is using their delta void surge and restriction in order to further suppress the people of Australia.

The fanatical mob screamed and threaten Australians top political and health officials who continue to bully and threaten the Australian citizens and many protesters were vocal calling for the head of Jermey McAnulty who has top health official has done everything in his power to return Australian into the days when it was a penal prison. The Australasian protests were calling out to the world and warning them their psychotic leaders like Scott Morrison were using Covid Delta to become a dictator and trmale and steal all basic dignity and

human sport and Mr Morrison is a fascist form hell using lock down policies to quite literally kill people. The Australians are on the verge of revolution and overthrowing this prick and gutting him is likely going to be the end result for Scott Morrison. Morrison is a sick man and along with  the governors of other Australian states these lock downs are meant to imprison the Australian people and nation of 25 million people and the Australians are starting to realize the tyranny of their government and starting to see how gun control forced upon them through the years made all this possible and for the full attack on their basic human rights done by Scott Morrison and his military as the military has now been called to patrol the streets and further restrict the movement of the citizens of this nation. The bravery of the french,Greeks, and Australians in protesting these draconian measures puts American to shame as most fat Americans are unable and unwilling to fight for their freedoms and would only do so if television cable were shut and Frito Lay canceled Cheetos.

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