The failure of the US steel industry to keep up with China and the transition to a restaurant economy

 Bernard Romano

      The destruction of the US steel and manufacture industry was a concentrated effort by those wishing to bring about the decline of the United States and the failure of political leaders to maintain a steady growth and competitive edge with China in steel production has been a failure. One of the chief reasons for this have been the growth of economic inequality where a few major billionaires get to make the decision for the US to weaken certain industries at the growth of others in this country and the growing authoritarian power of the health industry best illustrates. In addition the  rise of the mainly foreign-owned and created restaurant industry also seems to coincided and is related to the decline of American manufacturing power

 Milt Rosenberg of WGN radio and his eternal guest Charles Lipson opt forward the idea that there was a conspiracy to lower the rates of US steel production by the leftist  Democrats in order to weaken unions in general and increase production

from lower wage countries such as China who could then skip regulatory cleaning regime that has long been established in in America to prevent over pollution. Another reason steel production likely declined is that there was not the same worker lobbying efforts as the health industry has established to the point they can use politicians now to enforce restriction on the entire public in order to make working conditions not as intense for health workers and this  what is striving the entire mask nonsense and conditioning attempts by they and their media allies. Rosenberg and Lipson stated one of the more important industries a country can have is to produce its own steel and if it can export it for double income this is especially favorable and this country really needs to rebound its production.


along with the rise of China as these business traitorous class outsourced as much as they can to the CCP Chinese. The amount of increase in restaurants dominating the economy and landscape with Anthony Bourdain type globalist sis alarming a major part of the problem in declining American manufacturing power and the power of the American  labor. What made this country great not were medical professions trying to lock people up with their fear mongering and Blue robes nut it were the steel men and explosive growth of the steel industry from 1850 and beyond as men -- and it was only men not women in heels--who risked their limbs

and built things form the bottom on top dangling hundred and hundreds of feet in the air to pose  for iconic pictures that fir years later still hang in the halls and on the walls of drinking eating  establishments an d offices throughout the world. 

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