Martin Manziel
Dream money
YouTube is inundated with these ads which I and most people probably click away at first opportunity of this idiot selling diet poop pills like he is Dr oz and wants to clear your system out of shit and have your bowels free of the toxic crud that lines up your bowels and in some cases disgustingly can stretch for twenty feet according to reports. The Zupe Poop guy is this spokesmen named Jonathan Van Tess who is at times a transvestite and on other times does ads as this buff dude rude guy talking about how bad you smell like ass and you need his fucking product. This Zupe Pu fool is raking in some big dream money and gig income form himself

These Zupe Poop shit pushing products to empty your bowels ar e either a joke or a troll and they appear on all of the fucking time replacing Dr Sasquatch and his hand jobber soap products as the Internets and You tubes most ubiquitous commercial of actual product outside the annoying Liberty Insurance ads which are also nauseating but at least not as informative and funny as this jokers ads on aiding your crapola disease. The amount of horse and bullshit this young man crossdressing son of a bitch delivers has transpired into dream easy money for himself and his friends at Zupe Poop and what they do with the various shits they collect from people is unknown.

The Zupe guy is obsessed with shit and he is a shit head a trans gendered fool like no other and one has to wonder with the direction this country and culture is going how much farther away are we from having a poop cute pusher and transvestite in the White House and Jonathan Van Tess is thinking about running for president one day maybe as soon as 2032 and he will run on a campaign to cleaning out your bowels and shaving your balls with his various companies and spokemenship. Whether it is selling toilet fragrance as a transvestite or telling you to buy these shit products to clean out your ass when going to Dunkin or Starbucks and getting a large grande to gulp will do the same hon this con job snake shit dude is amazing and makes me laugh as a spokesmen and thought he would deserve a post and who knows maybe a pretty dam good president.
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