Cheetah scare in Vancouver proves to be a smaller Ocelot or whatever

   Xander  Xerax 

    Mr  X 

Animal Stories

   The residents of Vancouver have been living in a cougar state of fear for years but when recent news that another bog cat was spotted it was even too much for these harden residents long use to living with the dangers of big cats all around them. Many residents had feared a new invasive species was settling amount their mountainous range and great looking Canadian city that is quickly being bought  up and properties all around from rich CCP connected Chinese people. A as the large cat seen prowling

Savannah cat was later identified prowling around the city and alley ahhh like an all alley cat and this is a rare cross breed of a exotic African cat and a typical household cat that is prohibited in some places. The Cheetah scare was for real as this cat has tremendous speed and can chase down anything that the city has to offer and in some ways Cheetahs in urban areas are much more a danger to kids and other household pets and this is exactly why it freaked out the residents of this large British Colombia city and our neighbors to the North. 
 Serval cats are perhaps the most egregious and outlandish of the cat species allowed to be pets and we here at the Ant-Pet Association decry the ownership of dogs and cats of all king but perhaps the biggest shameful pet is the Serval as this is obviously an animal that should be living in the wild and nit confided in the backyard and living room of a person
 Naturally women are the main source of adopting these cats as basically the modern Western woman sees something,  they want something and they will find ways to get this something or  whatever regardless if it is something that should not be owned as a pet and this is known as Servals do not do good or live long in captivity. Regardless of this many  wealthy people and Canadian women think it is " cool" to own such a species and there are several serval  Tik Tok huge accounts that highlight peoples pet Servals or whatever.

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