Sick Gay Gorillas seen on Tik Tok assaulting and raping a monkey

 Al Anger

Animal Stories

    When people think of the implications and spread of Moneybox the cross irrationality of animal virus being spread among various species is the biggest problem. In deepest darkest Africa a disturbing Tik Tok video went viral as two apes were mishandling sexually assaulting and attacking a Golden Monkey somewhere in the Congo or

Cameroon or whatever. The video of these two dirty Gorillas attacking and playing with a monkey may indeed be playing apart in the vast death and destruction spread of the Monkeypox  disease that is crippling much of the third world and becoming quickly the gay

disease from Mars killing and spreading more unknown weird diseases to homosexual species bit man and ape and mammal from around the world The primates having sex among cross species likely is the number one contributor  factor to this disease and instead of laughing off the Gorillas sexually terrorizing and being he gay gorilla we often warn about more knowledge and information needs to be spread and as head if the Anti-pet

Association naturally the keeping of wild animals form Apes to Monkey as pets must be reexamined and ruthlessly suppressed and ended to prevent disease. Monkey's and Apes are sick creatures always playing with their bun hole with no teepeee to clean and why any ass jack would want such a creature as a pet spreading the double trouble  Monkey pox and Ape shit disease these beasts bring and can spread among man is utterly reprehensible and kinda of fucking disgusting.

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