Herbert Gilbert
The Greek gamers podcaster sand gamesters once again attacked the Turkish " Dog" Recep Tayipp Erdogan in his latest example of deranged attitude and his work to undermine the North Atlantic Alliance Organization. Turkey has transformed Turkey from a parliamentary system into a presidential one with o checks and balances and as Nikos stated he is continuing ot try to pay division and argue tis admittance of Finland and Sweden membership into NATO as Tayipp is angered these nations give harbor to Kurdish human rights group whom this psychopath dog of a dictator Recep Erdogan Tayipp has labeled a terrorist organization for battling a terrorist dictatorship of this madman.

Nikos and Mistakos pushed a computer fan for Erdogan to blow away all of the shit smell air this crazed Turkish dictator keeps pushing his bullshit for domestic political accusations and use of his power stance against NATO and its stance on new Scandinavian membership for countries suddenly alarmed the growing heat and hate coming from mother Russia.
Recep Tayipp is perhaps the most evil authoritarian leader in the world today who is the actual terrorist long having killed and attacked Kurdish people ad when they strike back this dirty son of a dog will blame the PKA, YGA or these other Kurdish freedom militias of being terrorist groups. NATO needs to add Sweden and Finland and do what is right and this is kick out this nation and its leader Erdogan as he doesn't stand for the righteous of alliance for NATO and its very memberships a direct threat to it.

The Greek Gamers and others are demanding NATO get rid of this clown prince of Turkey as he doesn't present their values and he is a troll scumbag dictator who has abused the human rights of the average Turk in addition to his mass genocidal slaughter and denial of autonomous ability of the Kurdish people . Recep Tayipp has undermined the opposition and pissed to further erode Turkish democracy and this man should have absolutely no veto power and sway for whether NATO expand and allow new nations into their polticla geopolitical alliance and it is utterly reprehensible that NATO has been infiltrated by these globalist undemocratic socialists and Islamist like this Erdogan who ranks as the worse most vile and despicable dictators of the day and this man in position of power is enough for Turkey to be booted out of NATO.
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