Jay Yang
Perhaps the biggest lying propagandist and dip shit in medi and print is a whore name SE Cupp one of the msot repulsive syndicated liars and praganddist sit there. A feew gebneratiosn ago media jobs did not exist and a woman like SE Cupp would of been employed in a more appropriate industry that matches her talents and intelligence and this would be a brothel in London or Paris and this si where this ding bat should be working instead of lying on CNN. SE Cupp is a extremist propagandist who keeps writing

misinformation and deceitful columns and she is another liar who claims to be conservatiove and Republcians when in fact this evil lying sick woman writes nothing but lies and atatckls on Republicans. She basically is accusing them of doing the same thing, Ms Cupp has done throughout her journalistic career. SE can't shut up about George Santo as the New Yprk congressman is the flavor of the month for these lyibg propagandists in the corproate mainstream pravda media we have in thos country and the hypocrisy of SE Whore is unvelivabe ad disgusting.

Se Cupp would fit not only in the female divisos of the early Soviet movment in Russia but she would fit right in a French brothel in colonial Casablanca which I use to frequent in a previous life. Se Cupp is a dipshit and how she has managed a job in media is incredible and how she is not more of a object of ridicule and hate by right-wing media amazes me. This woman is so partisan in all of her work and she is a extremist loser and more woke garbage in our newspaper industry and CNN. Se Cupp only seems to focus on politcians who lie and are Repubciuans and her latest trash parakeeete cage bottom article. Tjis woman ignores that Joe Biden is a habitual liar along with 99% of major Democrats . This dummy Cupp agian tried to put full blame on Donald Trump for Marjorie Taylor Green and George Santos.

Se Cupp is a repulsive dumbass liar in print and I reckon it is partisan garbage like hers why fewer and fewer people decide to subscribe to this dying industry of newspapers that long ago has been purchases by billionaire globalist and who hire scum like SE Cupp to be embed and represent their industry and paper. Jesse cup is a psychopath sycophant for Joe Biden and the Democrats and she is green and jealousy and continues to lie about other female Republicans as SC cop is a radical Marxist and anyone who doesn't think and believe in her viewpoints is an object of her hate
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