Armando Arturo
Another disgusting Indianapolis eatery has been shut by the health department as customers went undercover and filmed the filth they were seeing often in recent weeks at Jordan's Fish and Chicken in Indianapolis as a over worked Pakistani illegal immigrant work force worked as they would in Indo or Pako land with dishes n the ground and cockroaches and mice all over the place and the owner failed to keep these health hazard critters at bay. Jordan's Fish ad Chicken was a failed business one of many shit holes in this ever increasing ghetto and meth head city which generations ago was declared one of the safest and cleanest large cities in America and has now transgressed into what it is today.

The Jordan's Chicken shack was closed by Marion County healthy inspectors as mice were seen nobbling on dishes and food on the floor and this restaurant was just nominated as worse restaurant in America by Eatery magazine. I once went to this shot hole and was dick for a week and sooner or later this business was going to go out and I continue to warn people to always be suspect of any independent chicken eatery especially those connected o a gas station.

Jordan's Chicken and Fish is kaput and there are hundreds of thousands of unhealthy and unclean business like this throughout America, there are too many unnecessary restaurants in this country most are corrupt internationally connected horror shows of unhealthy and over-priced food and global corrupt system of migration explains why 90% of these shit hole restaurant like Jordan's Finch and Chicken along with

thousands and thousands of bad taquerias are among the most unhealthy and uninspected eateries in this country. Most if not all of these small Mexican restaurants of ghetto hood small chicken shacks are outlets for money laundering and shell fake businesses. This ghetto chicken shack s kaput it gone and the sand Nigerians serving bad unhealthy fish and fried chicken to the Nigerian people of this area has been shut down as the Nigerians didn't appreciate the Sandys serving them the worse of the worse of dirty unclean food. Make no mistake that this business and its owner should never be allowed to open again and what is especially is egregious is this owner likely had these guy working for slave wages and unable to make any money though tips because they were in a shit hole hood of the worse sections in Indianapolis; an area where it likely is more likely the workers will get robbed throwing out the garbage than ever receiving a tip from a customer. No wonder Battar and Hasan didn't take their jobs more serious just let food trays on the floor accidentally stepping on it from time to time.

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