Max Keiser slams Jack Vale saying the Sharter is more talented and the king of fart videos

    Kyle Perry 

   The incredible summer feud between Bitcoin enthusiast and top representative Max Keiser and the top notch fart pranker known as Jack Vale has been the talk of the dark web for some time. Keiser has gone on the attack this weasel  saying that out own

Jack Pooter fart noise videos are not even int he top twenty of YouTube fart prankers and Max's favorite and only one he follows is the Sons of Askram and his fart noise device called the sharter as he is likely the best fart pranker out there.

Jack Vale doing his inferior prank fart videos according to Mad Max

 The sharter of Son of Ashkram makes way more wetter pranks often running and rushing to the nearest bathroom is what distinguishes his prank videos form others and Max is right many consider this man the best of all of the best farters on YouTube

. Max Keiser told his Bitcoin audience that shit coins are straight out of Jack Vales podcast and his bad fart pranks that are not even in the same class as the Sharter. 
 Max bashed Jack Fart and said neither he not hos videos on flatulence are funny and he is tired of this POS mocking him and what Max does on YouTube pushing and promoting a digital currencies way for all of the worlds criminals to use and abuse a new option to commit massive law breaking and making it more difficulty for authorities to

investigate and trace these global criminals  Max say these criminals have a right and Jack Vale needs to concentrate of making videos as the sharter is crushing it and he is killing in the fart planking  business. The sharter of YouTube Sons of Asrkham went to a IKEA and was sitting on the toilet of their display making some of the most nasty fart noises with his sharter toy whom Max

endorsed and told his listeners if you must have a fart devise or get your fix of fart noises pranks then sons of Arkam is the direction to go and avoid this jackass named Jack Vale whom Keiser calls a bum and a absurd part of the YouTube algorithms and toxic environment. 

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