Gerald Celente goes full Hamas Nazi and brutal anti-sematic wicked propaganda

    Troy York

    Gerald Celente run something called the trendsetter magazine which is 100% anti-American anti-military pure propaganda Gerald Caliente used to be a middle of the road politically but he has moved so far to the left and he only attacks Republican politicians that it is obvious this man is grifting and getting money from radical democrats. Gerald Clemente is a disturbed mentally unfit foul mouth individual who cannot stop swearing and has regressed in his later years to being this full-blown lunatic retard. In addition Gerald Clinton has become an extremist anti-Semitic who cannot stop his hatred against the Jewish people and the Hamas Israeli War has blown the

extreme hidden anti-Semitism of Gerald Celente out of the water the madman host of the trendsetter magazine as utterly lost it and he is going full Hamas propaganda. This lunatic somehow thinks the Jewish people should not be able to responded to a brutal attack on their nation that left 1400 corpses and this madman is among many whose hatred for the Jews is so large they are willing to support a barbaric people of 6th century mindset and mass murder that is the Gaza Palestinians, The moral depravity of this crazed lunatic who for years always talk shit in front of the camera and he has

become a stable of Internet propaganda and horse manure. Cheryl Caliente is horrifying by the bombing campaign in war that Israel has responded to the October 7th of 10th and in his weekly dye tribe against Israel this idiot says an acts like Israel initiated War for no reason and he totally ignores the

barbarity of October 7th and the terrorist attacked by Hamas Nazis that killed 1500 jews. Gerald Clinton is a radical Maniac who is an extreme anti-semite and he hates when people call him and comment on his social media and YouTube channel that he call him out as an anti-semite and he basically goes nuts every episode responding to these people. We highly recommend that if you are against anti-Semitism to go and visit Joe Clementi and tell him that he is

However the mental instability of General Clinton is becoming more apparent and the question of whether this man eventually gets defunded and removed from the Internet is a question that will have to be addressed sooner or later. Gerald Caliente has gone full Madness and he cannot stop his lies misinformation and full-blown direct hate and attacks against Israel and their right to self-defense against Palestinian terrorism. The pure hate and evil propaganda this weasel Celente shows now for the world to see on the internet and this man is a deplorable sick and twisted human being who should really consider retirement and ending his grift for evil.

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