Mark Levin body slams bad Democrat fascist freak politician Chris Murphy challenges him to come on his radio show and discuss the migration chaos

     Arnold Armstrong

    Right wing radio host Mark Levin totally torched one of the most horrendous politicians in our era and one who often gets overlooked. Chris Murphy of New Jersey is a troll and one of the worst Democrat rat bastards as Shaun Thompson would say. This habitual liar and propagandist for an extreme far left radical agenda has failed this country and been one of the worst politicians in our era. With this in mind the Perpetual MSNBC and CNN guest was once again on these networks airing his dirty laundry and lies that Chris Murphy is known for in the political world. Mark Levin happened to be watched and Mark Levin totally ripped what Chris Murphy had to say on those Sunday shows and he challenged this dick head

politician to come on his program and answer some of his questions concerning the chaos at the border. The problems at the border are directly at the hands of the evil Democrat Party and scum like Chris Murphy who have allowed open borders and encourage their blue city Mayors to encourage Sanctuary City status Chris Murphy is the epitome of evil one of the stupidest jackasses of the corrupt Democrat

Party and he happened to be on Mark Levin's radar this week Mark Levin utterly torched what the stick had to say on the corporate mainstream Democratic Party media where he is never challenged for his insane and lunatic opinions and ideas blaming the Republicans for the Border crisis. Chris Murphy is a pinhead who talks out of his ars and basically he can go on MSNBC and CNN anytime and just lie and be unchallenged and perhaps this is why you never see this cocksucker Chris Murphy ever on Fox News. With this in mind Mark Levin the right wing Radio National Syndicate talk show host challenge this prick Murphy to come on this program as Levin says that this coward Murphy never goes on a program where he will be challenged. Mark Levin torched everything that Chris Murphy said and the false narrative of blaming the Republicans for not having a deal done on immigration. Mark Levin called Chris Murphy a dirt-wad liar and challenged him to come on the program and answer and debate him which Levin throughout and knows that a scumbag like Chris Murphy would never accept. Mark Levin quite literally

would mop the floor up with Chris Murphy and really expose the stupidity that often comes out of this red bastard Democrat politician from New Jersey. Murphy is a pussy who can never debate on issues and he represents the radical element and Fringe of the Democratic Party that basically is not your grandfather's Democrat Party and is made up of these trolls and leftists Marxist like Chris Murphy who are Waging War on America from within To say that Connecticut senator Chris Murphy s a fascist is and a radical scumbag would be an underestimate

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