Donald Trump ready to select Logan Paul as his vice president candidate

     Andy Cruz

      Appearing with Logan Paul last week presidential candidate Donald Trump gave hints that he might actually pick the internet and wrestling star to be his running mate. Donald Trump is taking his sweet time selecting a vice president and by some accounts he is seriously thinking about choosing Logan Paul to be his vice president as it will set a precedent for the selection process .This is a good move to court the youthful with this choice Logan Paul and his brother Jake are hugely popular and make no mistake many of their followers of the Paul brothers are indeed first-time voters who would be heavily influenced by Logan Paul being on the ticket. Donald Trump Logan Paul ticket would be out of this

world and would be such a shell shocker the country would never get over it. The media would be anger triggered and blasting it 24/7 however, given that the last vice president was a dickwad from Indiana and failed vice president and former Indiana Senator Mike Pence; The actual idea that Logan Paul would be a selection is not that crazy Logan Paul definitely would be a step up for Mike Pence. Like Donald Trump he would be a political outsider who has very interesting outside views to bring about and foreign policy and the economy Donald Trump should do something really wild and just pick Logan Paul to be his vice president running mate and together with a great team of Republicans they would win. The

Trump Paul ticket and administration would be a heavy improvement over the shit demented Joe Biden and cackling hen of kamala Harris. Donald Trump appeared on Logan Paul and pretty much talk about the importance of this upcoming election on his podcast and how the youth vote will be very crucial. In addition Donald Trump said then young people need to make the wise choice in which direction would be best and

throughout this interview Donald Trump hammered the failed policies of stupid old 92-year-old President Joe Biden --who buy all essence should have been retired 15 years ago from the world of politics. The arrogance and narcissism of course of Joe and his ugly wife Jill Biden explains why this

idiot is still running and it is Jill Biden who likely is behind the power trip of the Biden family in continuing this disastrous and daily senile observance of failed President Joe Biden. trump also told Paul Logan aliens are coming and they likely will be here by 2029 under the guise of musicians to snooker and fool the people of their true evil intentions and the government already knows their nefarious plans.

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