Mark Dice rips Milwaukee as a hell hole shit place crime ridden and unequal

 Sebastiaan Salvador

     The Rockstar Mark Dice on YouTube let it be known that Milwaukee is not on his high list of priorities basically he did a video where he said they don't like the truth about Milwaukee and indeed many people Milwaukee were upset when reports that Donald Trump called it a horrible City the fact is though most of Wisconsin outside of Milwaukee would agree with this comment if it was true and Mark Dice went on to

mention the problems in Milwaukee has including the massive amount of car theft that very few times leads to an arrest Mark guy showed that every year Milwaukee has over 5000 car thefts and only 200 arrests and make no mistake this is a crime ridden shithole City the north side is area that non blacks avoid and it goes on for miles and miles of shit hole early Suburban type small housing with bad businesses of liquor stores, payday loans, and used car lots. Milwaukee outside of its downtown is indeed a horrible city is even the Hispanic and white south side is run down redneck low-income areas and this is city that has long been plagued by Massive inequality. The Dice Man also bashed the shit out of horrible and fake Republican Congressman Illinois failed congressman Adam Kingman who came out and blasted Trump saying how great a Milwaukee was even though Adam kinzinger was living in Whitefish Bay when he lived up in the Milwaukee area and not in Milwaukee properly Whitefish Bay is a 99% white and Asian wealthy community and a shoreline exclusive gated community

     The beaches in the parks in the summer are taking over by the Northside residents and the downtown is filled with every type of festival and LGBTQW celebration one could imagine and there's never any parking. The news that the media make made up about Donald Trump calling Milwaukee horrible City would be agreeable with a vast majority of people if they ever actually got to see  and live in all of Milwaukee and naturally the scumbags like Joe Scarborough will never go on the north side and see how really bad this city can be. The female intern killer would realize how large the ghetto and crime ridden it is. Mark Dice absolutely ripped this horrible city whom we have been to many times and observed and research and in all reality

there's very little to appreciate and like about Milwaukee. The brew city actually ranks as one of the worst cities in America and why people would get upset if Trump had said what he did about Milwaukee . Mark Dice ripped this whack job liberal City that supports Joe Biden and things highly of the failed 91-year-old dementia written president without evidence the mayor of Milwaukee went on to blast Trump and indeed the mainstream media had no real reliable source or truth about Donald Trump ripping to shreds Milwaukee. If Donald Trump won't rip Milwaukee I certainly will. This is a shit hole city from North to South and the snobby wealthy plutocrats in

downtown no they are surrounded. The Water Street area is filled with postgraduate punks and indeed punks will be the best way to describe the people in their twenties and thirties who live in Milwaukee it's 96% of the people have tattoos and 86% are habitually drunk at all times. Milwaukee is a shithole City with shithole people and I am shocked and appalled at the Republicans would actually have selected the stink hole to be the location for the Republican convention. Likewise, the city of Chicago will be the host of the Democratic Convention and together these two Lake Michigan cities are indeed hellhole Democrat area zones were fighting crime is not a high priority

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