Kyle Kulinski's brain become chem trails as he bashes Bill Maher and suggests dipshit Jon Stewert runs for president in 2024

   Brian Brainerd

     Bias badly built bleach blonde butch fuck face Bozo known as Kyle Kulinski has come out in his usual love for Jon Stewart and his usual bashing of Bill Maher because he has an opinion that Kyle Kolinski does not agree with. Make no mistake Kyle Kulinski and his bleach blonde hair make me sick and he ranks his Hmong the worst of the worst of the extreme and stupid propaganda that we have to deal with in our review channel on YouTube. Kyle Kulinski is one of the stupidest and lowest IQ brained individuals on the internet and how this idiot soy boy is able continue to have his left-wing propaganda channel is beyond any

comprehension. Kyle Kulinski played a video where a guy asked Kyle asked John Stewart if he would ever consider being president which Stewart turned seemed to turn down. About the only person in America who thinks that brain dead Jon Stewart is legitimate presidential voice is this idiot Kyle Kulinski and the stupidity and absurdity that this asinine bleach blonde, bad build, Butch stick body of Kyle Kulinski thinking that John Stewart is an actual presidential material is beyond any thought of rational thinking.

Doshi says Kyle Kulinski is a bad built ugly body bleach blonde wanker

      Likewise,  the radical bleach blonde bozo attack Bill Maher for his interview with Charlemagne the God essentially Kyle was the only critique who spewed misthinking that Charlamagne to God embarrassed and destroyed Bill Maher in their 20-minute interview. This is because Kyle Kulinski's brian is mashed potatoes and he has an extreme beef with the HBO host who is long been a critic of the far left and the extreme radicals within the Democratic party which this bleach blond punk bitch known as Kyle Kulinski is a member. Kyle Kulinski is angered that Bill Maher hits and hard against the far-left and pushes back against their extreme and cultural Marxism that would make if they would have made Pol Pothead very proud. This YouTube host

brain-damaged Kyle Kulinski had so many chemicals infiltrate his brain and cells through his insistence of coloring his hair blonde that looks stupid and fake. These chem trails into Kyle's brain explain much of what he says that been demented and damageable to his reputation. In addition this man must be having crystal meth in his vape pipe that he smokes pretending is a regular vaping smoking but in no way is it vape as this guy must be smoking crack or some other thing right in front of the camera within a device that looks like a vape pen. Kyle Kulinski clearly talks looks and sounds like a individual who's addicted heavily to crack. Make no mistake Kyle Kulinski a dangerous and radical, stupid, brain dead communist and this man and others are allowed to present their views as facts and propagandize and smear those who stand up to their lies. One of these naturally is Bill Maher while never mentioning a Kyle Kolinski - - a loser dude who's not even worth mentioning - - Maher lawn mows

ridiculous people with the crazed ideology such as this piece of shit Kyle Kulinski and thus this makes Bill Maher a frequent target of this liberal vape sucking lunatic. Kulinski has long run Secular Talk long been a long time YouTube loser who has some of the stupidest opinions one will find across the world of internet politics. Kyle Kulinski gets in his corner and at night he jacks off thinking of John Stewart and that Jon Stewart walking into the White House Podium as president. This is only a reality and vision that could occur in the deranged mind of the bleached blonde chemically damaged brain of Kyle Kulinski and something no rational normal thinking person would consider reality.

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