Mark Cuban to invest in Russian rugby wrestling basketball and hopes to bring it into the states

 Zachary Zuckerberg 

After losing the majority ownership of the Dallas Mavericks the scumbag and Maverick former head owner of the basketball team is now looking for other sporting ventures. Mark Cuban owns less than 10% of the Dallas Mavericks and he likely is going to get rid of it and thankfully will be disassociated with this National Basketball Association

team. The Dallas Mavericks went all the way to the NBA finals this year only to be swept by the Boston Celtics and clearly this latest failure by Mark Cuban maybe the last straw as this straw man for big Tech Ponzi scheme corporatism likely has had it with his failed role in the National Basketball Association. Mark Cuban according to sources now is looking for

investors to start one of these Russian wrestling basketball leagues as in essence the sport is one of the craziest and most violent new sport to man as combining Greco-Roman wrestling rugby and basketball is the goal of this psychopath Russian sports that accordingly Vladimir Putin watches on a weekly basis.


      Mark Cuban loves this sport as a similar psychopath to Mr Putin and he desperately is looking for his Banking and Tech bro Pals to help finance formation of one of these psychotic basketball ball sports the video violence of the sport where people backflip and body slam collar bone tackle and concussion one another is utterly ridiculous. Perhaps Cuban's idea it will not gain any traction or even be allowed in

the United States and this silly violent stupid sport can only occur in Mother Russia. Despite this likely fact Mark Cuban is a fucking idiot who gives some of the stupidest and dumbest political opinions and has been vilified losing all respect with his whacked wanker opinions through the years.

Naturally the psychopath is such a narcissist that he thinks he could be another Dana White owning and headlining such a new introduced sport and league and this may explain why this dumbass Mark Cuban --who quite literally looks like a fucking vampire -- is venturing forward with this dumb plan and this insane Russian wrestling rugby type mad sport that likely will not be allowed in many Western countries. 

     No matter how much Mark Cuban in his investors May try to brush it up the idea that there would be this WWE style basketball league is early as stupid as his site was of course this site because he was an early Tech overlord in an outlet for corrupt money falling was funded and eventually bailed out making the billions and billions available for this failed businessman who was rewarded for his left-wing opinions and allowed to be in on this game and then given the riches to purchase an NBA team make no mistake Mark Cuban is woke because of his

willingness to work with the woksters who funded his way to permit prominence in the world of business despite all failures and shitty companies like that didn't last a year and never made a profit yet was bailed out by Yahoo weather Mark Cuban gets his dream fantasy of being a new sports owner of a new league such as this Russian balls and hopefully it will not work out much like much of Mark Cuban's business ventures

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