Morbidly obese horrible Illinois Pig Governor JB Pritzker worried as Adam Kinzinger comes on Bill Maher's show and contemplates a run for the senate or governor in Illinois

    Lonnie Yeager

    Failed former Illinois Congressman Adam Kingman came on the Bill Maher show along with former New York and failed presidential candidate Andrew Cuomo,. Both of these individuals said that the New York case prosecuting Donald Trump was a distraction and likely should not have happened and the former jobless congressman from Illinois Adam Kinzinger. JB Pritzker that he may be indeed coming back to Illinois to make it political run for governor this has upset and caused stomach ulcers for the 1930s gangster Governor Jamie "The pig" Pritzker; A disgusting cattle human by all means tops the scale at 350 pounds. JB Pritzker thinks of himself as a potential 2028 presidential candidate which is a joke and by 2028 he may be having to fend off a Republican challenge led by Adam

Kinzinger. In all essence Illinois Republicans do not have a big name and someone like Zinger might actually have a chance to take votes away from the Democrats as there is a growing legion of people in Illinois people tired of looking at the fat ass of JB Pritzker talking to microphone and act like he's a local nobleman King. The way JB " Boss Hogg" Pritzker has run the state of Illinois is like a 1930s era gangster and a 13th century European feudal Lord.

     Quite literally this Jewish gangster Pritzker thinks of himself as European royalty and Mr Pritzker comes to the governor's office based in Chicago and not Springfield acting like a feudal overlord against the rest of the state that he despises. With this in mind perhaps Adam Kinzinger can transition from the Anti-Trump troll into a stable and centralist Republican. Perhaps Adam Kingman can for once for once help to end the monopoly of politics in the Land of Lincoln from the unstable mentally

unhinged Democrats with their crazy ideas and stupid ways. Adam Kingman suggested that he would love to do statewide office and having experience in Washington can only help Mr King if he's so choosing to run against the pig JB Pritzker in the next

governor's race. Former Governor Andrew Cuomo gave some hints and advice off stage to Adam Zinger and his potential of running for governor of Illinois and indeed anything that would upset the balance and end the monopolist far-left radicals within the Green party wing of the Democrat Party running the state of Illinois based in Chicago. This would be a welcome addition Bill Maher seem to give his blessing and wished Adam Zinger much luck as Mr Zinger has been a frequent guest of Bill Maher through the years and they have touched basis and are close social media and phone friends.

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