The time doctor now humiliated James Bedford and the Mystery of how these 600-lb monsters are able to afford massive gluttonous food are never explained

    Jimbo Oberweight

aka Jim Oberweis

    How the 600 popund human cattle   Are able to afford massive gluttonous food on this fat TV reality show. This is never explained Dr Younon Nowzardan is a gastrologist weight surgeon who runs a reality show called My 600 lb Life. The famed and geriatric aging weight doctor runs a gut cutting operation in Houston, Texas where these fatties and human cattle come down and beg him to do their

surgeries and then give the bill to the taxpayer. Doctor Now has monsters who such as James Bedford on his show and much of the time Mr Now is able to humiliate them as if the good doctor trying to give them some counseling and advice that they never listen. The real mystery of my 600 lb Pig Life is how these fat bastards are able to forward the expensive food when by all accounts they don't appear to be

working or be able to move to do any type of occupation. Just about every commentary including ourselves often ask the question on the Youtube channel that is never answered is what and how are these people getting money they get to get to eat as food is not cheap these days. Dr Younon Now will  never answers this, but what he does is utterly humiliate patients are potential

patients as he did with James Bedford-- who admitted that he could not stop ordering door dash Uber eats and again the suspicious that these door and food delivery companies in my mind are a massive global corruption
and a fraud for certain individuals to enjoy free. This obvious conclusion  that needs to be answered I'm almost certain that some big Tech wealth redistribution works at hand in hand with the black minority Community laudering free money to give them free food and this may be the case with James Bedford who admitted to doctor

Younon Nowzardan that he cannot stop ordering door dash Uber eats and how this man is able to afford these food items remains a question. Perhaps these

companies are giving certain people actually free food and that who never have to pay or change or that King James Bedford is some habitual welfare collector getting four checks from the government. What is known as James Bedford has trouble walking stairs

and often is showing collapsing and tiresome as he and his cousin tried to climb steers she attempts to help his disgusting fat arse. This disgusting human cattle is a sorry excuse for a human being Dr union now gave  James advice for tough love called him and said he looks more like a cow than a human being and throughout this episode of James Bedford and Doctor Now's program , the 600 lb monster who eats for free was humiliated time in again by this reality television

doctor. One can come the conclusion that the likes of James Bedford through some corruption of Uber Eats and Door Dash are able to eat for free and given free stuff by the criminal underclass. More investigation into this possible fact needs to be proceeding and push forward

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