Richard Maddow comes to the cackling hens of the View and complains about Donald Trump coming after him and media enemies

     Troy York

     Once again far-left foreign funded grippers and Country dividers known as our corporate mainstream media are spreading fear, lies, and hate against Donald Trump. This time they are saying that he is going to go full Fascism and once again the fascism and Hitler comparisons are being made. Richard Maddow ,who is a horrible host at MSNBC, came and he told the cackling hen heads of The View that he believes his network and his job will be in Jeopardy once Donald Trump is elected. The cackling old hands of the disgusting View including Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Beher, and The ugly baked fake face and fake hair, fake eyelash Sonny Hoston came out and basically along with the other women at the trash known as the View bashed Donald Trump and were fearful of what will happen when he wins. The other media

manipulation and election interference the MSNBC, CNN,CBS, and ABC Disney spreads and misinformation and out in all out lies of things that have not happened is more reasoning that perhaps these networks should be shut down. The amount of

propaganda and political partisan bias these four global networks do with horrible hosts Like Richard Maddow and the stupid women at the View can only be best described as a media fascistic misrepresentation operation as they give their opinions as fact and play fortune tellers with their warped versions of the future.

      Richard Maddow and these horrible women at ABC Disney's The View are not in any sense of their own reality and they live in their imagination been quite literally their stupidity should not be tolerated any longer and the media the executives they push

stupid propagandists and broadcasters such as Mr Richard Meadow and the jabba the Hut look alike Whoopi Goldberg and fellow Black supremacist Sunny Hoston on broadcast TV are the ones who should be punished and in all sense these network

programmings are indeed been compromised by Foreign agents of chaos. This explains the stupidity that we see with Joey Beher and the cackling hens at The View Richard Maddow  just talked out all of his gay ass as he gives versions that have not happened of what the future holds. The actual fascism is what broadcasters such as King Richard Maddow is able to lie and bring about in horrible smears and defamation

against Donald Trump. Richard Maddow is a scoundrel and a scumbag who should buy all accounts is unentertaining ,untalented, uninteresting, and plainly stupid and should not be in any position to give his opinion and act like it matters  more and nor should this idiot be allowed to present versions of the future than have and likely will not occur. Mr Madoff should be arrested for propaganda and pure out lies

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