Officer Tatum, Matt Walsh, all the conservatives absolutely unload on the bald Potato Head of Jamaal Bowman and his bitch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

   Frank Banks

   Jamal Coleman is an extremist and a black supremacist congressman from New York along with fellow Caribbean communist and far left lunatic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. the two head helda  insane political rally with the geriatric 94-year-old cognitive declining Bernie Sanders. Jamal Bowman absolutely lost it and went on a disgusting profane rant showing once again why this dumb mother fucker is totally unfit to be a member of

Congress and his role in our political system not only is toxic but embarrassing. Likewise, the former bartender and disgusting communist Alexandria Cortez put together a rally from hell as a dance and profane throughout the rally. Grandfather Bernie Sanders attended, and his delusional and deranged speech was further evidence that much like Joe Biden the disgusting

communistic Vermont US senator is regressing mentally, and the extreme cognitive decline of Bernie Sanders was also evident in this disastrous political rally. Less than a thousand people showed up for these three communists and when contrasted to the 80,000 Trump rally naturally is embarrassing. what also was really embarrassing though was the bald head of Jamal Bowman who went on a ridiculous rant throwing f-bombs and profanity as he knows he is losing and indeed a few days

after this Jamaal Coleman lost brutally and was embarrassed in a wreck of a election.  He is desperate within his last days of having and holding political office while acting discussing ghetto gangster acting and his  deep shit head went on a profane rant against his political enemies. Jamaal Baldman is angered at the funding and want this idiot out of Congress for various reasons many are also suggesting that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is knocking boots with this fucking and quite literally these two are an item likely dating secretly is Ocasio Cortez likely services the 2-in penis of Jamal Bowman. 

     The disgusting trio went on an hour to two rally further illustrating the extremism of these politicians and the hijacking by shit politicians such as these three by the far left and Green party communist within global politics. One can only hope that these two congress monsters lose and then within months Bernie Sanders is being eaten by leeches, cicadas, maggots, locust, earthworms and other Critters of the underground. Bernie Sanders is a disgusting troll who's major political position and presidential campaigns have been naturally embarrassing. Thsi geriatric jackass along with Jamal Bowman and Alexandria Cortez Ocasio have been nauseating for years with their permanence in the fascist Democratic party our political congressional system. One can only hope this is the year that both of

these scumbags are out of it and Youtubers Matt Walsh and Officer Tatum among many others absolutely leveled these two idiots playing rap concert in their ridiculous rally and their drug fuel antics that was very apparent.  Make no mistake ALC in Jamal Bowman likely were trucked out before this rally the amount of coke that was likely snorted by these two disgusting far left lunatics must be double of what was found in the White House a year ago and clearly Joe Biden and his political  allies like AOC, Jamaal Bowman and Bernie Sanders likely are heavy drug users in this explains how they act before a audience

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