Old creepy Bill Belichick disgusts the nation with 24-year-olds girlfriend

 Leo Yost

      To say that 72-year-old old pervert Bill Belichick is a disgusting pig would be understated. The former Boston Patriots legendary head coach has retired from the sunset away from the game that his ugly head has been a part of far too long. Bill Belichick basically owns his coaching career to the Patriots athletic players whom the organization successfully brought forth year after year decade after decade including the one and only Lord Brady. Without Tom Brady, ugly Bill Belichick would not have just been another head coach likely a failed one who no one would be ever rethinking or celebrating through the years as some genius of the X's and O's. Bill Belichick

was only a Super Bowl award-winning head coach because of lord and football master Tom Brady and the stellar players who played around him and won so many championships. With this in mind it was utterly reprehensible to see in the past few weeks Bill Belichick walk around with the 24-year-old woman young enough to be his granddaughter or great-granddaughter. The idea that this 78-year-old lunatic is dating someone that young is got to be one of the most ridiculous scenes

around and how utterly disgusting it is that these 24-year-old women will be such a gold digger she would sell herself to a man three times her senior. Bill Belichick likely has a 2 inch dick that he cannot even get hard and what he exactly he is doing and getting with this 24 year old woman is not known. What is doing is that Bill Belichick's open relationship with this young woman has gone public as it was kept hidden for over a year and a half and indeed a relationship of such age

discrepancy such as Bill Belichick in this young woman is indeed something that should be kept Undercover. Bill Belichick is a pervert fuck and a half and there's no more sickening sight than a man in his seventies dating a woman a few years away from being a teenager. yet this is something that this disgusting former head coach of the Boston Patriots does with no shame and walks in public with his bitch with head

high. without doubts this ole fool doesn't realize that without his money and the fame that he has gotten through the corruption of advertising television and of professional sports he would never even be dating a woman this young, and he should not

be dating a woman this young. Bill Belichick is a creep and a half and likely will be voted Creep of the Year by Creepy Times magazine as this silly bastard and silly goose knows better. Bill Belichick needs to do what is right and this is and this relationship with his 24-year-old girl and he needs to date some old granny 60 years or older and frankly the idea of old Bill Belichick with someone this young as his girlfriend and possibly fiancé is utterly laughable and another visible sign of the sick times we are in Bill Belichick is fucking gross

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