Argentine podcast troll and psychopath David Packman once again spreading misogyny and hate as he continuously attacks Keri Lake

 Troy York

       The repulsive and repugnant podcasts are known as David Packman continues to make a spectacle of the podcast world. The failed Venezuelan migrant YouTube host with his 2 million subscribers has to be one of the most trollish and far left radicals in the propaganda Internet. We have often wonder why propagandists and liars like David Pakman are allowed on YouTube while the great Alex Jones is not and it is utterly reprehensible that this is a case. David Pacman once

again shown his extreme misogyny and Hate as he is obsessed with Keri Lake and he cannot stop talking about the Arizona Senate candidate. David Packman is a wuss and a radical member of the far left who seeks to demean and smear any right-wing patriotic conservative there is and indeed he has a

particularly hatred and obsessive thought of conservative women. Keri Lake is one of the victims of this radical South American Chev Guerrero wannabe as the swollen face, greasy hair, and caveman eyes of David Pakant just cannot stop his hate against such Conservative Christian women like Marjorie Taylor green, and Lauren Boebert. It is

however Keri Lake that this psychopath David Pakman is in particularly filled with rage and hatred for some reason as maybe Keri Lake reminds young David packman of his mother who likely beat him with a belt in his youth and this could explain why David Peckham is such a radical socialist psychopath hating the traditional family structure. 

      David Pakman is also a radical hateful member of the cult of abortion and this far left Democrat is not even born in America continues to spread the most obscene propaganda and smears against Republicans that we have yet to find on YouTube. David Packwoman is such a radical communist that he is using YouTube to basically attack politicians in a vicious extreme

partisan way as the communist South American illegal immigrant that he is. We hope Keri Lake wins the senate race just to stick it to this arrogant pompous ass who has some weird obsession and hatred against this patriotic woman and clearly David Pakman is a direct threat against Keri Lake and likely pushing for harm against this woman with his extreme hate and obsessive propaganda fake slanderous reporting of

her. David Hackman lies and spreads so much fear and misinformation about this woman I cannot believe that someone like him has not been sued as of yet with his evil and horrible political rhetoric pure in out lies. Make no mistake this troll from either Argentina or Venezuela is a skull fuckery podcaster who griffs from the Democrat Party and because Carey lake is an ally and strong Patriots and supporter of Donald Trump this idiot David Prickless is constantly attacking women like her and other Republican women because he is a misogynist son of a bitch and a pig all wrapped into one

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