Perverse and disgusting sex therapist Dr Ruth Weinstein is dead

     Bradly Austin

       One of the more repulsive and his icons what's his nasty old woman named Dr Ruth Ginsburg who often spoke about sex and promoted it on national syndicate radio. Naturally this woman was a unique individual in media as the idea of a grandmother 80-year-old and quickly demented sexually demanding woman talking on the radio and giving sex advice to women 60 years her age was utterly nonsense and a fucking joke. Dr Ruth Westheimer was put in such a radio position to spread degenerate cultural sexual perversion too primarily the women listeners of her program. This disgusting woman fake doctor was on for some two decades promoting and advocating for premarital sex of all kind and make no mistake

Doctor Ruth Westheimer helped in the battle against traditional society and marriage. The hedonistic desires of Dr Ruth West was promoted and carried by the national corporate radio networks that carried this nasty old woman and her disgusting programs offended and shocked many people through the decades. 

     It is great to see that this woman is passed on to the other side and for her work for the devil. No doubt she's going into the underground quickly and she can continue her sexual perversion perhaps even broadcast down in hell. Dr Ruth Westheimer was one of the more repulsive individuals ever to host a national radio show and perhaps the sickest and most wicked individual since Wolfman Jack. This is once again another long-time celebrity who I reckon was dead and not heard about her for some time

and thus in the past week we had two sexually weird and perverse neurotic individuals die in Richard Simmons and Dr Ruth Westheimer. Dr Ruth Westheimer will no longer be on the radio pushing the disgusting sexual advice that she gave to women and men for a long time. This is a good thing and the West lost a sick disturbed and evil individual. Dr Westheimer is dead at the age of 94

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