Barack Hussein Obama and Team USA, Stephen Curry, and LeBron James humiliated as South Sudan upsets Team USA in World Basketball Championships

      Leo Yost

    In one of the biggest upsets in the history of sports the arrogant and segregated all black Team USA made up of some of the most arrogant and highly paid professionals in the National Basketball Association had trouble with not Sudan but the smaller South Sudan. South Sudan quite literally humiliated Team USA and brought them down and defeated them in championship basketball competition in one of the biggest upsets in the history of basketball. This upset was bigger than the Soviet Union being Team USA for the Olympic gold in 1972 and we are so proud of South Sudan in

beating the racist and segregated Team USA. While South Sudan field and all black team it should be as expected as the country is over 98% black, however Team USA is made up of NBA professionals and not one white American is on the professional team and this year's World Championship Series and why Team USA would be so racially black and segregated is a disgusting aspect of the black supremacist era that we find ourselves in this country. 

      The blacks are a small and tiny minority in the United States yet for some sports they have consistently been at 100% and this includes basketball and Team USA does not represent me or my fellow Americans but just black America. This year's Team USA was led by Barack Hussein Obama who has been following the team speaking for them and he was in attendance as the African born first occupied president was shocked and amazed at what he saw. Brock Husseign Obama saw that South

Sudan beat his team who he predicted would easily defeat every team by 40 or more points in a arrogant and cocky prediction that he made before this tournament.  Barack Husseign Obama is a disgusting troll who again in our opinion

likely was behind the Trump assassination as his power hunger mad man is indeed possibly still in charge of this country. Barack Insane Obama cannot believe in as he dropped his popcorn and was had a stern look throughout the second half as South Sudan humiliated Team USA by

remaining tied for much of the half. An incredible shot by Dikembue Boomatato following a rebound ca won the game for South Sudan  in the final seconds and in one of the biggest upsets in the history of this game that the United States invented and that the blacks were only a part of until the late19 40's.

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