Man On The Run as propagandist man on the street reporter Luke Beasley and David Pakman sycophant Luke Beasley runs and hopes to catch Trump's corpse

Luke Frey

     One of the more repulsive scenes during the Trump assassination last week was the troll and scumbag known as Luke Beasley is this left-wing extremist does propagandist interview during rally's has he often tries to spend interviews and make the person Trump supporter being interviewed look ridiculous look Baisley was at it again trying to pretend to be Jordan Klepper as the extremist homo looking 12th century young king was added again with his propaganda interviews. Luke Beasley was interviewing and attempting to make a Trump Republican rally attendee look bad when shots rang out and Luke beasley was quickly scared out of his shoes for a few minutes. However, this

goof ball looked around and put two and two together 2 together and realize that someone shot at Donald Trump. Luke Beasley was man on the run hoping to catch Trump's corpse and them carry off his body. 

     Luke Beasley was convinced Trump was dead and ran faster than Usain Bolt or whatever to the scene as he hoped to see history and was certain that these shots had assassinated Donald Trump. Luke Beasley and his band on the run camera staff was utterly hysterical and this left-wing fascist seem very disappointed when he found out that Trump was unharmed as rally attendees told him the sad news for him that Trump had raised his fits and he had gone through this assassination attempt unscathed. Luke then appeared on the left-wing fascist

program podcast David Pakman, whom they are lovers, and to give his accounts of the his near appearance of this historical moment and the psychopath Luke Baisley stated his disappointment to David Hackman that Donald Trump was not killed last week in Butler, Pennsylvania.


       Luke Beasley is a scumbag and a half one of the more up-and-coming repulsive left-wing hacks and Joe Biden sycophants. This punk ass arrogant noblemen elite is another young Democrat Party paid operative and receives lucrative checks from the

Democratic corrupt party who puts out the most extreme propaganda out there. Trump supporters need not talk to this fool if they see them look basically quite literally thinks of himself as a royal nobleman and he is confident and arrogant, according to our sources, telling people that he is going to be a big time corporate news network analysts and broadcaster one day. This is Luke's wet dream is to be on the nightly News and provide propaganda against the Republican Party.

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