Kanal Joseph impersonates in pretends to be Bronnie James with a prank basketball prank

Manny Wojak

       Going into one of these private basketball academies, the horrible YouTube pranker known as Kanal  Joseph decided to have some fun  from the recent news that a unqualified and the competent Ronnie James was selected in the NBA Draft by the Los Angeles Lakers and orders from LeBron James. Kanal Joseph was angered and

become the sports mockery of the month. Bronnie James is some unqualified bad baller who should not even be playing professional ball in Europe level yet alone in the National Basketball Association, but because his father is LeBron James and they want to make history you will see him wear a Los Angeles Lakers uniform next year.

With this in mind most people don't even know who Bronnie James looks like or what he is and thus the YouTube pranker Kanal James went to the basketball camp and

pretending to be baller Bronnie James. Kanal James... Kanal Joseph went into the league with his entourage and pretend to be the son of LeBron James has he shot around and clearly had no talents playing just a little worse than Bronnie James. Young James was mocked as Kanal Joseph pretend to be him

and talked about how special his father was and how great it will be when the two of them suit up for the Los Angeles Lakers come this fall. 

    Bronnie James is a fool who was horrible in college and has no idea how to play the game. Because of his last name and bloodline though he is going to get least one or two seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers because of the nepotism with LeBron James has offended and many folks apparently also are offended as Kanal Joseph knowing full

well Bronnie James should be in the CBA. Kanal Joseph shot around and Miss shot after shot often many times not even coming close and people were talking about how the son LeBron James sucks ass at the sport. The fact is LeBron James does suck and this

will be apparent as he will be more of an embarrassment than Joe Biden and Trump debate and we look forward to the suckiness of Bronnie James as he is not even qualified to be a benchwarmer, towel boy and a mop head on the court such as  those who clean the court during timeouts. Kanal James also propposed to a recent Venezuelan migrant and told the young woman he was Bronnie James and he would be a multi-millionaire NBA baller who would soon be making millions thanks to his father Lord Lebron James.

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