Aaron Rogers nervous he will get hurt and humiliated in first NFL game this season

 Earl  "Bam Bam" Cunningham

     As the new National Football League season approaches many are wondering if this is Aaron Rogers last call. The New York Jets quarterback will be trying to make it past the first game this season as last year the excitement that was ramping up for his first season with the New York Jets suffered a major blow and disappointment. Aaron Rodgers suffered a injury we're in week one after the fourth play he was out for the full season, and some are predicting this could happen again in the first game this season. Aaron Rodgers is nervous, and many snarky smart asses are leaving him messages wondering if he's going to be hurt after a couple of plays in this season. 

      Aaron Rodgers has ignored this trolling but the fact is he is getting older and older and there's a strong chance that if not within week one but week two or three.  If Aaron Rodgers suffers another season deliberating injury it will be evident Aaron Rodgers will need to call it quits and do some full-time network football show perhaps one with Pat McAfee on ESPN. Perhaps Aaron Rodgers can also do some other career change, and he will have an opportunity if his season does end with another injury this year to fulfill his dream of being Jeopardy host. Some have he is a natural athletic town of being a stand-up comedian and whether he goes to George Carlin School of Comedy and tries a whole new career

direction is not known. We strongly encourage all that Aaron Rodgers seriously considered a career change as the chances are he likely does not have the physical and intestinal fortitude to play full season away from Green Bay. Aaron roger may also be suffering from cognitive decline past concussion problems as he keeps wearing the wrong jersey at training camp and he wears a red uniform instead of the jets and this is likely another odd need of the space balls quarterback Aaron Jetson. Even if he does

survive week one, he will soon realize that football is not the same in cheese head country and playing in the Big Apple is not as much as the bite as he thinks it might be. Aaron Rodgers is extremely nervous that he might fail again. He does not want to go out of New York as a failed individual who only played two games and through played. Whatever happens with week one many can rest assured that there's a strong opportunity Aaron Rodgers will eventually get hurt and be out declared out for the rest of the season again this year as last year.

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