Harry Carey's July 1996 game perhaps his worst and forgetful ever as his cognitive declined was increasing

      Leo Yost

     For some reason they are various and numerous channels on Tik Tok they highlight Harry Carey former forever baseball broadcaster and announcer for the city of Chicago and St Louis. The perpetual and annoying Harry Carey died some two decades ago but on Tik Tok he keeps living and recently on Tik Tok a July 16th or

whatever 1996 game with highlighted the extreme cognitive decline that this failed broadcaster was experiencing. Harry Carey would go on to work for two more struggling years this man didn't know his head from his ass and was suffering majorly cognitively

Harry Caray talked about the Cubs beating the Cubs and in the eighth inning actually called and thought the game was over when they were still one more inning to go in a Cubs St Louis Cardinals blowout boring

baseball game. Hary Carey represents of what we seen our political system with this very with these very old

Democrats who refuse to step down and they refuse to have term limits and this allows them to stay in our political system for very late age in both the Senate and the US Congress. Much like Harry Caray these old senators and congress individuals in our

congress refused to step down despite their way advance age and the cognitive decline and inability of these primarily Democratic old farts in our congressional system is ugly reprehensible. There is little to distinguish from a Charles Schumer to a

Harry Caray back in 1996 and watching this Tick Tock video was very cringe-worthy as Harry Carey clearly was a way too oldie individual who kept making mistakes, but did not want to give up a cushy and important ego driven occupation. Likewise a disgusting and weird Charles Schumer continues to be a part of our political system despite his gas and stupidity and the

American people continue nationally to have to see this New York troll speak and have his word and opinions as of any importance. Charles Schumer is a weird motherfucker who continues to push the political division in this country with his

rhetoric and stupidity and awareness of the Democrat Party cannot be understated. Charles Schumer is just like Harry Carey Circa 1996 a old man who doesn't know his time is over and that he is doing the company and Country at this service by retaining himself into an important position that can go and be better served by a younger individual to say that Charles Schumer is an old weirdo how do we declining jackass would be understated

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