Rod Blagojevich blasts Joe Biden comes on Laura Ingram show and laughs at idea of fat pig JB Pritzker running on ticket with kamala Harris

        Moises Moreno

    Calling Joe Biden and the stupid cackling hen Kamala Harris as Chicago style Democrats, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich  blasted the two political and preeminent forces of today's Democrat Party. Rod Blagojevich appeared on Laura Ingraham's program to talk about Joe Biden's failed one term and that he is finally

accepted the fate and the orders of the Democratic party telling him to no longer stay in the election called today's Democrat Party Undemocratic ignoring the 14 million votes that's failed and now former presidential Biden had amass during the Democratic primaries that likely Robert Kennedy Jr would have beaten Biden if he was allowed to run in the primary. 

      The willingness of the Democratic party the regress into a third Broadway yoga has been reimagining himself world type political entity rigging elections and installing their preferred candidates is Rod Blagojavich that has been redefining and reimagining himself getting away from the corrupt  Democrat Party and he says today's Democrats remind him of Chicago Ward

bosses and clearly the globalist driven Democrats have been influenced by the large Democratic cities and the corruption that provides easy elections for them. Richard Blagojevich is 100% correct as Hollywood Elites and the massive crony insiders who are aligned with the media and Hollywood are indeed trying to affect the 2424 election.  They succeed is thus far in getting old and frail Joe Biden out of the way and Broadway slow Joe is out of it. The former Illinois

governor said spineless Joe Biden came to the pressures as the amount of dirt that we don't know about and that the Democrat Party and Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons have on Joe Biden likely are unimaginable. They likely told old Joe they have this information on him and his whether it be sexual molestation or monetary corruption and that it would be exposed if his old ass did not drop out. Rod called Joe Biden a spineless, weak-minded, and stupid

individual who tried to stand up to the Democratic bosses and he got pushed down hard. This country will be better off and the great news is that whoever the president will be down the road it is guaranteed that it will not be this old troll Delaware idiot illegitimate, election thieving Joe Biden Blagojevich also blasted the idea that morbidly obese and corrupt JB Pritzker

would ever be thought as a vice president candidate given the disastrous reign fat man has done as perhaps the worse governor of the United States and history of Illinois. Rod said the last individual who should be picked is this "heavy" corrupt guy and he would be the fat butt of jokes way more ridiculed and destroyed as Chris Christie by the right-wing media and full investigative process against his econimic gains through office would be initiated.

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