Introducing State Of Daniel as he calls out George Stephanapolis and calls for him to be fired from Disney

        Chung Young


   George Stephanopoulos is a disgrace to Greek Americans and many Greeks were once again embarrassed by this ABC News propaganda SC interview Florida Congressman Brian Donalds on George Stephanopoulos lost his call and many people have been mocking the failed former Clinton administration member and failed ABC News Disney propaganda that George Stephanopolis has progressed into being this stupidity. George Stephanopoulos was called out by growing, but little viewed YouTube hosts State Of Daniel who is a heavy Trump and Republican supporter and absolutely

hammers and bashes the hammer and sickle leftist Democrats on his growing YouTube channel. State Of Daniel said that George Stephanopoulos is an embarrassment and lost his cool because he knows that Kamala Harris is a losing candidate and ABC Disney and the rest of the Democratic Party media must do everything they can to protect

Kamala Harris from the attacks of Brian Donalds and others. State of Danile appears to be a young Asian-American determined to help the Republicans and be a advocate for capitalism as he hates Kamala Harris and he cannot stop doing videos bashing this

horrible wicked witch of Kalifoirnia and the bay area. State of Daniel also called Bryon Donalds Bryon York throughout this video and why he seemed to confuse a great African American congressman from Florida with a woke Rhino Republican syndicated columnist and propagandist for the Democrats and Rhino establishment.

      The disgusting and embarrassing Greek interrupted Brian Donalds several times in an interview and Mr Stephanopoulos has been condemned heavily throughout the internet for his attitude disrespect and I would say racism against Brian Donalds in no way with George Stephanopoulos Show a white politician the amount of disrespect he did when he was interviewing Brian Donaldson with this in mind State Of Daniel utterly leveled this ABC news propagandist and without a doubt there will once again be calls for the firing of shitty George

Stephanapolis from this network which essentially this bad network has long been overtaken by neurotic globalists determined to use the media as a propaganda wing for the globalists and those who seek to profit from human migration and unnatural and unequal trade deals. State of Danile called for ABC Disney to cut ties with this former Bill Clinton advisor and analyst as the

amount of cheerleading King George does and lies for the democrats in the past three elections and his Trump derange syndrome is getting worse and worse by the day. Mark George Stephanapolis as another crazed individual who needs to be institutionalized in a mental hospital with padded walls and no windows as this clearly psychotic individual should not be broadcasting fake news. George needs a white straight jacket with several mental hospital staff member observing him and giving him the medication he needs and for him to recuperate his mind and sick soul.

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