Opto, Aldo, and AJ nearly get their ass kicked as they promote bullshit Lets Go Energy tobacco lip chew

           Thomas Assbooks

    Top Notch Videos is an incredible pranker channel that we always get a laugh and whom some jealous individuals and Rivals of Opto and age in the prank industry often question and accused of him faking these videos. I'm too also is an enormous Feud with rapper names fly of or gorilla lamps and if the two ever cross paths one or both of them will get busted jaws with this in

mind optimal was grifting for some snake oil chewing caffeine energy called let's go and basically Opto ,Alpo, and AJ came up on big urban thugs and ask them if they wanted to let's go or go.  Naturally these thugs being violent felons out on  free on the Democrat Blue city streets thought that Optivious, Aldo, and AJ wanted to fight and thus

being provoked they charged and wanted to meet the Top Notch Idiots faces with their fists. As usual Opto and the others just ran like little bitches as these guys are not capable of fighting and standing up to these thugs like men and basically all of Top Notch Idiot videos are the same with these three stooges on the street and then being chased and them evading a capture and a Beatdown on the street.

       Essentially this was another typical Top Notch video streak agitation video where the three freaks Opto, Alpo and AJ mess with black dudes and then get chased. What was reprehensible is Opto was

grifting for this fake energy chewing tobacco snake oil products that funded this video. The grifter for Lets Go energy Opto told these actors or thugs or thug actors how beneficial this caffeine chewing tobacco that was paying for this video and paying for Opto's Lamborghini. In fact, the Armenian original prankster and gangster showed off his dream car  at the end of this video as Opto is now in possession of an actual Lamborghini and whether he gets killed in this car going in high speeds and news of this makes the internet in the next few months remains to be seen

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