Crazed racist Black women attack white female frail principle for helping her child's safety crickets from racists Dr Rashar Richey and Roland Martin

 Troy York

A disturbing video of a black woman attacking a white principal resulted in the rest of two ratchet and ghetto black women for this unprovoked attack nowhere have black supremacists Roland Martin or Dr Rashad Richie have made comment of this brutal attack. These two race hustlers on YouTube often love to show white on black attacks and make mention of it how are the vast majority of racial attacks are indeed black and white and most of the time this is ignored by the black supremacist within this

YouTube ecosphere including to the biggest and Dr Rashad Richie and Roland Martin. A white principal had ushered a black child and her mother off the court while a game was going on and apparently two women Alissee Parker and Jamecia Goidchaux, one of them the mother, punched an attack the principal and both were arrested in the unprovoked and typical cowardly attack. At least these two beasts were

arrested and indeed nowhere where any comments made by Roland Martin or Dr Rashad Richey of this brutal attack on an educator because she was trying to usher a child off a court during a game. These type of unprovoked race attacks committed by the blacks are not of any matter to racists Roland Martin

who is an extremist and a radical a one of the biggest mouths on the internet. Likewise, Dr Rashad Richie of Cenk Ogre's Youn Turks Network often inflames his listeners with racial hatred on The Young Turks Network often doing segments of Karens what he uses as a derogative derogatory term against all white women. Dr Rashad Richie is indeed a repulsive and ridiculous individual and how he has not been fired from The Young Turks Network has been disappointing and really appalling by the producers of

this propagandist YouTube channel. Dr Rashad Richey and Roland Martin will not make any mention of this on any of their upcoming programs and this should come to no surprise from people on the internet who have followed and complained about these two extremists and the content that they are allowed on YouTube

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