Sex robots moves closer to a utopian reality at the Las Vegas Convention as robot Melody becomes the hit

     Jake "Robot" Roberts

.      The utopian future of sex robots and moving cut towards this practical reality was exposed during the Las Vegas Electronics convention. Several sex robots of beautiful female form were revealed with Melody being the major hit along with another blonde robots that basically the company said would be used for companion the

companionship also does not include actual fucking  ability for now but sooner or later there will be in hole in insertion for these robots which had a price tag of $150,000 for The Stand Up full version female. The fact is society is moving towards a future where

most human beings will indeed have sex with robots more so than other human beings in the push of this weird Tech into normalization and human ability to connect with machines and devices will naturally lead to this arrangement. 

Most people would love to make love to themselves and thus not only will sex robots become a reality but smartphones will become big mirrors and the amount of technology that will interwind with human beings sexual acts like we will take over very soon. The sex robots are coming as was

revealed in this Las Vegas Convention and the emergence of artificial intelligence to have a more in-depth and total experience and conversation which is something that most men cannot do with women today and have real conversations. Most marriages are these arrangements between families and financial convenience that primarily the upper class seem to Joy and this phenomenon is seen throughout the world. The future though of relationships with human beings is with robots and as was revealed many companies it was revealed at this Las Vegas many companies are indeed trying to become the next Apple and Microsoft in this field and the intense competition and the fielding of potential sex robots was seen at this Las Vegas Convention. 

Make no mistake Melody and the artificial intelligence in her make for much more intelligent and interesting conversation than any woman today and for the 40% of men under 40 who have never been with a woman and likely never will the ultimate revelation is at these sex robots will indeed serve a purpose and the 80% of women will continue to only pursue the 10% of men that they deem quality of pursuit. One can see the Natural Evolution and that the traditional lifestyle and marriage is between man and woman are quickly decreasing into insignificant in minority and are crashing and indeed sex robots will play a major cause.

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