Douglass Glasgow
Comedian Katt Williams headed out with a Mexican Nationalist during his show in Phoenix the other nights and the popular African-American comedic in towns stopped his show for 4 minutes as a Mexican Nationalist heckler was berating him and talking shit. This heckling asshole was insisting to the stand up comedian that
Phoenix and Arizona belongs to Mexico. Katt Williams stopped the show and he humiliated this disgusting Mexican supremacist and a growing movement within the Mexican population in the Southwest who thinks that America's Southwestern States belong to their rotten nation. Katt Williams utterly humiliated this Mexican Nationalist as the recent days of Mexicans protesting prior in the news
have agitated Americans of all colors as they complete arrogance of these protesters waving a foreign flag on US soil is disgustingly reprehensible and has angered the nation. Mexico is a jingoist nation who thinks they are superior in all aspects of culture thinking America doesn't have a culture without them.
The complete arrogance and regression of the Mexican-American population and they're alleged obvious allegiance to Mexico has been reprehensible. Katt Williams called out this Mexican Nationalist to his face and they were close to coming to blows with security coming down to make sure nothing happened. Katt Williams hourly roasted this fool who was talking about Phoenix being Mexican territory and Mr Williams told this mother fucker and called him a mother fucker to his face that Phoenix was part of the USA. The chant of USA overruled this Mexican Nationalist threw out gang signals and threatening Katt Williams and this gang banger is part of me arrogance of the Mexican
population within America who half or most might have allegiance to their Old Flag orlocal gang. This is not about nationality and heritage it is about trying to spread the Mexican population and we have worn for years that this is an invasion and indeed many of these illegal aliens are sent by The Mexican government to cause havoc and in their desperate attempt to reseal retake states that they lost in the war. Katt Williams utterly humiliated this Mexican Nationalist many of whom are convinced that America's Southwest states stole their land which was always uncontested land following the fall of Spanish Empire in North America and contrary to belief America purchase these lands and defeated this failed
country back in the day. In fact, the growing War drums with Mexico are growing that the US has sent carrier groups to bunch of California and he possible invasion of budget California cannot be understated. Mexico owns this country a lot of money for taking then their migrants through the years many of whom were not citizens and it has cost us plenty, and quite literally as I tweeted X Donald Trump .....we need to take Baja California and annex this territory for reparations for what the Mexicans have done to this country in the past 50 years and even Beyond . Our country for hundreds of years has had to dela with migratory violence and invasion from Mexico there's always been illegal migrants causing havoc and much money for this country.
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