Ali Muhammed
Janet Mills is a disgusting Hillary Clinton type politician in the mess of a state of Maine. She is a Hillary Clinton looking goofball and the wicked witch of Maine as many people call her and this woman is committed to resisting Donald Trump's ban of male transsexuals playing women's sports. Despite the king haven given this federal law, this stupid ugly blonde Eurocrat type
politician continues to defy the law as an insurrections politician and was she was humiliated and called out during a meeting of the governors by the president. Donald Trump literally humiliated the fuck face of this wicked witch from
Maine's horrendous governor Janet Mills-- who was voted the ugliest female politician of 2022 and 2023 by Congressional Times magazine. Shannon Mills is the dog face Gremlin that former professional wrestler Rick Steiner would talk about and this ugly and disgusting woman went in a back and forth with our great president as this woman said she will see him in court
\ The desire to go to court is because this psychopath from Maine is committed to supporting transsexuals and transvestite males and those who are transitioning to dominate and rough up women in sports as this craze politician and career corrupt Democrat refuses to accept defeat on this woke demand. Indeed the Trump Administration will go to court with this
goofy fuck from me and we need to do
everything in our possible way to get Miss Mills out of office when she comes up for re-election which almost occurred last time. Janet Mills is a pig and a half who is supporting of the transvestite movement because this woman is anti-American and another female Democrat who is a Globalist and Marxist all wrapped into one. Trump utterly called this woman out in a room full of the governor's meetings and he asked her why she had not complied yet to the federal law of preventing male students from
participating in women's sports. This is because Janet Mills is a crazed and lunatic Democrat who is not ready to give up the use of transgenderism to harass the general public and this woman is going to see her political career come to a crashing end much like the mirrors break whenever she looks in her home. The right on-line have been
having a field day as making videos and highlighting this garbage female governor as yet another crazed and corrupt psychotic NorthEast Democrat mad woman politician and we need tk get out and organize as many of these fuck democrats out of office.
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