Milton Weiner
The horrible and disdainful stupid Fathead governor of Illinois JB Pritzker once again made a spectacle of his 350 lb frame the morbidly obese governor. Fatty was having a State of the State address and talking about the budget that the governor is supposed to do every year things took a turn and got weird. This failed 1930's Eric Al Capone type gangster started talking about Donald Trump for several minutes and made up makeup comparing him to a Nazi and smearing and slandering him as the fat buffoon Governor Pritzker seemed obsessed with rage and hate. This is because JB Pritzker is a fat rat bastard Illinois Democrat as Shaun Thompson of WIND would say.
How Donald Trump is not sue people who make these comparisons and call Republicans and himself Nazis utterly unexplained. JB Pretzel is one of the worst individuals who has ever gotten into the governor's mansion and this man basically bought his way to becoming Governor. This man was never qualified and just came with a huge silver spoon out of his fat mouth from a wealthy family named the Pritzker's who have used the Democratic party to enriching themselves through the decade. The Pritzker family has to be one of the most corrupt and sick ever seen to use Politics the way they have and profit from and I reckon that JB Pritzker right now is sweating bullets from his fat body thinking about Donald Trump and Elon Musk indulge DOGE with investigating all these corrupt taxpayer money going overseas and then coming back likely is kickbacks for corrupt politicians .
JB Pritzker is paranoid about Donald Trump exploded is this fat man went off in a rant when he was supposed to be talking about things in Illinois and the budget. Instead. this morbidly disgusting open borders Mexican drug cartel politician is a despicable individual whose use his family's fortune to take over this state and run it to the ground and for the criminal class. Clearly JB Pritzker is trolled and triggered by the presence and the victory of Donald Trump and the use of Elon Musk and his team of young wizards to slowly root out the culture of corruption that the Democrat Party in it especially in the states that they control like Illinois have been able to achieve. JB Pritzker is like having Al fucking Capone as Governor is this is 100 years later democracy has eroded in the state's politics to the point where this globalist Mafia fucker fat corrupt Jewish politician can control the state and run it for the criminals and the corrupt class. This is who this Fathead serves JB Pritzker is like 386 lb and he is extremely worried about the work of DGE Elon Musk and Mr Trump and he has exactly every reason to being a corrupt globalist businessman and criminal that he is.
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