Milton Wiener
When the Great president Donald Trump announced that he was intent on ending China's take over the Panama Canal Zone and explain it exactly to the world, the president of Panama Jose Raul Mulino ignored it and acted like Trump was nuts. However, after a few days the president Panama was receiving much pressure and threatening of foreign aid and other financial incentives the Panamanian socialist president had no choice but to abide by Donald Trump's demand for opening up the Panama Canal and renegotiating America's position within it and the rates that would be lowered for American shipping. The Panama Canal was built and owned by the United States until the late 70s until a woke, libtard, shameful president name Jimmy Carter handed this canal to Panama that was supposed to belong to
Panama. However, in the past few years though China was slowly getting more and more control and influence and thus when Donald Trump got elected the ending of the Chinese take over the Panama Canal would be a top priority of the Trump Administration.
A massive amount of pressure was dealt towards this Panamanian jackass president and despite a few days of reluctance the president of Panama Jose Raul Molina agreed to let the US pass through the canal without paying a fee and to end deals with China that would have given the communist country more access and control of the canal which was unacceptable to the incoming Trump administration. Panama and
president Molina ended the poor the trade deals between Panama and China and a complete US takeover and invasion has been avoided thanks to the pressure of Donald Trump and negations with the Panamanian president. Mr Molina reluctantly had agreed to the demands of Donald Trump, or otherwise face a full military Invasion and possibly we would even suggest the annexation of the entire country of Panama. This country was created by the walking
stick of the United States helping it gain independence from Columbia 1903, but in reality, with the United States figuring to build a Canal this country should of been annexed. How this little area was not annexed and made into the 4 9th State at the time and
made into one of the states is very confusing and perplexing. We should correct this wrong now and make Panama the 51st state and work with Nayeb Bukele too fixing the entire Central American third world countries that have been a haven for drug
cartels and local terrorism. Indeed, the entire region needs to help of Nayib Bukele of El Salvador and the United States to make all these small countries either on scale with El Salvador and Costa Rica or perhaps an annexing all these territories and Panama Independence is not guaranteed. Their shit president does the world and the global economy little and without the canal that the United States they would not even be on the map just a small province of Colombia.
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