Psychotic feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom storms off set in Jesse Lee Peterson interview

Terry Blue

      Once again Jesse Lee Peterson helped end an interview as his trolling style and snarky attitude made his guest feel uncomfortable and angry. This time the loser who left the interview early was a psychotic feminist lawyer named Lisa Bloom who walked off Jesse's stage and left his set leaving Mr Peterson by himself after the 38th minute mark. This woman cannot handle the line of questioning and arguing that Jesse Lee Peterson was given what had said Lisa

Bloom off was his defense that perhaps P Diddy might not be guilty of the crimes that this lawyer among many other female feminist lawyers are suing and trying to get P Diddy locked up for life. As Jesse Lee stated he knows of so many cases where women

become evil and lie often making  up claims of abuse and rape against their partners or men and this is something that crazed industrial lawyer scammer Lisa Bloom didn't want to hear and accept.  

    This female lawyer automatically assumes that every sexual accusation of rape and sexual assault is true indeed her line of thinking that all women their women never lie about sexual assault and dangerous against men reverse form of misogyny. This woman believes every accusation is based in truth and merit and this is something Jesse Lee Peterson tried to explain to this nut that was not based on facts and indeed information shows a large percentage of rape claims re like race hate crimes and total hoax. Naturally this crazy woman accused Jesse Lee Peterson of being misogynist as he tried to argue that why these young women were going to P Diddy's parties when they were underage and what business they had dressing provocatively at these parties. This feminist lawyer like many other lawyers assumes that their clients are truthful and not seeking money, but the fact is many sexual assault accusations are frauds and lawyer scum like Lisa Bloom just take these cases in order to try to get free money as a part of a privileged and radical member of the lawyer industrial complex always going after the rich. Lisa Bloom is a psychotic skank assuming all men are guilty of these accusations and this woman downplayed the actual number of false rape accusations and evidence Jesse Lee provided this screwball lawyer for profit seeker and ambulance chaser.

       Lisa Bloom was a snowflake who couldn't take a debate and Justice League Peterson couldn't get over how this woman left being a lawyer as he thought she would be someone who wanted to debate the topics however this woman was triggered by Jesse's defense of these men accused of sex crimes including P Diddy and his point was women like Lisa Bloom assume the men are guilty jumping to the conclusion because they are men and indeed make no mistake there are tons of psychotic women who hate men such as lawyer Lisa Bloom. This woman is an ambulance chaser and I will not be surprised of half of these cases involving very wealthy men such as P Diddy false

reporting and intended to steal their wealth and money. Jesse Peterson utterly humiliated this woman in debate and it's laughable this woman was a lawyer and would be so triggered she would walk away instead of staying on and trying to make the defense for her clients and others who make these often-trivial accusations of rape and sexual assault against men with no evidence. The great YouTuber and internet interviewer Jesse Lee Peterson and humiliated this woman who is a lawyer in the ambulance chaser industry who often has these lawsuits always against the billionaires and men who are very wealthy amnd it's women like this don't care about the sexual predators who make up a vast majority of them who are usually poverty stricken men and ghettos. Naturally a hustler lawyer like Lisa Bloom isn't interested in men without money and all her cases always involve men like P Diddy who have extremely huge amounts of money that she hopes to get a little percentage in these likely false accusations by gold digging women looking for ways to bamboozle these celebrities and make false accusations.

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