Stupid Seth Meyers tries to divide Republicans with weird Civil War propaganda as Elon Musk and Donald Trump are Unified at the White House

 Brandon Hunter

     By far the insidious far-left fake late night television hosts who speak with four tongue and silver spoon often lie over their ass and don't know how to cover it. This fool Seth Meyers is a despicable individual with no respect for himself or the business and the way late night television in America has regressed from the days of Johnny Carson have been reprehensible. Seth Meyers is a very stupid comedian who keeps talking

about a Republican Civil War as essentially these leftists in the media and the podcast propaganda world will make mention of someone like Steve Bannon and his comments somehow being representative of a rather vague MAGA movement Steve Bannon doesn't represent no one but himself and very few people care in what this boring old man says. 

      Yet for leftists in the propaganda world in such a Seth Meyers this man's unimportance cannot be understated. For the extreme left, any able and division they can cause within Republican ranks is a committed goal and this is where Steve Bannon plays his role for the likes of stupid and silly Seth Myers. No one cares what Steve Bannon says except leftists' shills and dumbass foos like Seth Meyers or podcasters like David Pakman will keep mentioning him and have some hope of a division and crack in the Make America

Donald Trump giving the arm signal of the left shark

Great Movements and the Republican Party. Thus, a silly it's stupid Seth Meyers who is very untalented and pretty irrelevant can't keep talking and propagandizing on their network show about divisions within the Republican party. Yet, somehow Elon Musk and Donald Trump are united at the White House talking about their Department Of Government Efficiency and how many things they've already exposed this obviously drives the propaganda and dummies like Seth Meyers bananas and this scumbag late night television host is committed to trying to pretend and make up some fracturing of Make America Great Again to help their beloved benefactor the Democrat Party. Trump and Elon Musk talked into white house before the media of the great work that musket and his team is doing in weeding out and documenting the grip and wasteful spending of Dodge and Donald Trump gave the arm sign the symbol of the left shark with his arm and they sign of unity Empower with the blogging Community such as ours.

       Foolish Seth Meyers is a dipshit who has absolutely no integrity, no creditability, no humor, no talent. and no following and his ratings are an absolute mess much like his hair and nose. This guy is a Ted Bundy looking weird dude  who has a bad late night television host that is boring dull and all political with this weird host obviously reading from the prompt teleprompter in written prepared messages from the Democrat Partys Seth Meyers is a geek fucker who has become so relevant to the point where even making mention of him is questionable by any other media outlets and indeed very few conservatives and  YouTubers and podcasters even make

mention of this fool. This dumb fool Seth Meyers needs to do the world a favor and retire as he offers absolutely nothing of any beneficial whether it be to his paid masters in the Democratic party or those looking to troll leftists on the right side of the political spectrum. We strongly encourage Seth Meyers to leave the world of comedy as he lacks skills in it in and this fool should choose another profession might be more suited. Perhaps golf or bowling commentator might be on the agenda in future for this silly jackass name Seth Meyers

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