Andrew Yang and Andrew Cuomo both announcing within hours that they are running for mayor of New York City

      Jay Yang

      Despite recent part of Eric Adams who contrary to many believe is still pretty popular in New York two former has beens in the state of New York are deciding that they want to become mayor. Former presidential candidate tech wizard Andrew Yang has announced that he will once again be running for mayor despite failing miserably the last time he ran and falling in fourth place. Mr Yang has been kind of quiet as he one time up and coming down from type political figure has pretty much dropped off as a major force of both news talk and potential politics. Whether Andrew Yang is gone back to being this billionaire

who made money through some billions of scams is not known. What is known those angry Andrew Yang  once again  is seeking to become mayor of New York City and he will be joined by a Cuomo. Former failed governor who reside in disgrace for sexual harassment Andrew Cuomo has also decided to run for mayor. 

     There are just too many Andrews who think that they can run New York and the idea that these two buffoons would somehow think that they are a perfect replacement for Eric Adams is a joke. Both Andrew Yang and Andrew Cuomo are clown clones neither of them deserve a place in politics and the voters have continually rejected them. Andrew Cuomo courses the son of long-time Democrats corrupt mafia boss Mario Cuomo who was once a presidential candidate in the eighties and thus the Cuomo Dynasty still

continues to seek to rule their feed them in New York City whether King Cuomo can actually pull off the upset in a major comeback remains to be seen. What will be seen as that neither Andrew Yang and Andrew Cuomo are a good candidates for New York and these are just rejected names that are recycled and keep

coming back for more humiliation. Meanwhile, Eric Adams is the center of attention a huge star of The Tick Tock social media Asian political girl groupies. Tons of Asian girls in South Korea flock to watch Eric Adams videos studying intently the man's speaking ability and bald head appeal. Eric Adams will likely run as well and despite political opinion and contrary he will be difficult to knock off having crushed his opponents in the past.

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