Introducing Sam Reid and his quest to find a Taco Bell KFC Pizza hut combo

    Chuck " Cheesepuff" Goodwin

    Sam Reid is some YouTuber who goes about and talks about fast food and restaurants. We are introducing Mr Reid for an outstanding video as this man intently researched in sought out one of the last combinations of Taco Bell/ Pizza Hut /and KFC and this man drove all the way to Puerto Rico to find this last establishment. Throughout Sam Reid's incredible 30 minute video he talked about the various places that used to be a triple combination and he even visited a couple that are no longer. Yum

Sam Reid at the Taco Bell taste create Factory hitting on a future Spotify but from us

Brands own entities and Sam Reid's ability to be reminiscent for this odd combination in the mid 2015 was created by a CEO of Yum brands at the time who wanted to put all three offerings of these well-known long-time American fast food operations under One roof. 

    Sam got real sentimental as he missed the number of times he was able to go and pretty much said that the days of the double franchise are slowly dissolving and becoming even more rarer. Sam Reid's incredible editing and research work into this video was outstanding and basically why we feel like we have to let the world know of this man's family gave a brief history of these three fast food franchises and how they are brought together. Sam loved this restaurant and is so mad so sad

that these places have virtually disappeared with the Pizza Hut really disappearing from what I have seen as apparently it is too expensive to maintain ...a pizza oven. The  knowledge and amazing interest of this man has for something as trivial for fast food  is both humorous and outstanding the intended in tenacious search the Sam Reid puts forward and find out if there were any three combinations of Taco Bell/ Pizza Hut/ and KFC as he Google search and map search for these places and found most of them

listed were closed or only had two of the three. Sam Reid got to go to Puerto Rico funded by USAID tech money and he created a unique chicken pizza dish and devoured it very impressed what he could create for himself ordering at these three fast food places under the same roof at the same time and is bitter that there are no more places aside from this Puerto Rico location for him to dwell into his food fantasy.

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