Kim Jung Un comes to New York and walks around for eight hours

Larry Frost
   Kim Jung Un came to Manhattan and walked about the island for eight hours filming reaction for a YouTube video of how people would react to Americas biggest enemy and potential nuclear war opponent coming on the shores of America. Kim visited a Korean Town restaurant,Harlem,Wall Street, and he made a surprise stop at Trump Tower. Mr Jung also came to Times Square to make some extra jingle posing for tourists and then wondered where all the perverted porn shops were and why they are all gone. Kim Jung Uns strength and benevolence was illustrated as he was seen waving and acknowledging the lowest scum one can find in this gutter of a city.

 The fearless leader of North Korea also visited Trump Tower and wished to speak to Mr Trump personal to deal with the number of potential issues that threatens to scale into a thermal disastrous nuclear war between these two powerful nations. Kim Jung Un's amazing visit to New York can be seen on YouTube and afterwards he went around clubbing and looking for Korean chicks to take back home and return to his land as who knows what order for them to serve Kim for all of entirety. The reaction and parody of the ten hour female harassment walking in New York by the North Koreans unofficial state visit is a treasure and a new download made available for all to see on the internet. 

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