Bernie Sanders worried as reports of his followers jumping ship and going to Andrew Yangs camp

  Gerald Jasper
     The Bernie bros are jumping ship and a new report confirmed this as Andrew Yang has become the Bernie Sanders type new candidate like Mr Vermont was back in 2016. Bernie Sanders was indeed visibly shaken any time he shared air and camera time with Andrew Yang in the last debate and Mr Yang has hired several important key campaign  staff members away from Bernie Sander's campaign  team knowing full well the American public would never even come close to voting for a man who is such a socialist and a weak looking a decrepit 
  looking one as the communist senator from Vermont is so apparent to the rest of the country. Andrew has already converted many of Bernie's soy boys into his camp recently gaining the endorsement of Turner Danielson who took a selfie and decried he feels the Burn now for Yang and that Bernie 's legacy will be tainted with another heart attack and presidential dissing by the American public not liking this old man who was lucky to have been in the senate for all of these years and did untold damage in voting power for that state and the country.
 Bernie was fazed and licking his old lips that produce no mo saliva and Bernie knows his time is up as a career politician and charlatan of politics in this era. Bernie needs to do what is right and step aside allowing younger blood to take the stage and ones able to hear the commentators messages or questions. One can assume that Bernie may get a blood clot any day and the Democratic primary needs some newer blood and not the three old kings the media and the far left alternative podcasters  are ready to crown as the only "serious" candidates. Colonel Sanders campaign is in free fall and he is losing potential voters to Yang in droves and he should bow out in dignity while he still has it as the man is near eighty and has had several heart attacks as the campaign is too much of a toll on Bernie Vermont's geriatric body.

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