Donald Trump comes to anti-America Chicago and bashes Jussie Smollett and police chief Eddie Johnson

       Dominick D'Souza
   In the old days a chief would be elected usually in a democratic process where the tribe selected the best qualified to lead and be village chief. In Chicago apparently the police department selects the least qualified and most inept person and president Trump came to this awful birth place of many of our writers to basically tell a police convention this wind city is a shithole and the police chief along with the mayor are a major reason for this and Trump stated this city is worse that the Afghanistan banana stand. Chicago is a no go zone in many sections as failed police tactics and a
tolerance for gang control has produced a culture of entitlement and privileged for the Black gangs and some of the worse elements in humanity that can be found in the West and South side and the promotion and pushing of drugs into society is a large part for this reason. Trump hailed the death of terrorist Abu Bayk in Baghdad other wise known as Baghdad Bob saying he died a coward death and is deader than a doornail.  Trump also eviscerated once again the staged theater  attack of jackass Jussie Smollett incident saying that Mr Smollett fake attack and beating on himself is part of the delusional Hollywood scene desperate to have control of politics and keep their profession and industry high
and above income standards. Trump even wondered if this shit head police Chief Eddie Johnson didn't conspire with Kimm foxx and the Chicago commission of human rights to stage this fake hate crime being advised by the Southern poverty Law center in Atlanta. Eddie Johnson should resign as he serves the Vice Lords,the Jokers, and the El Ruken street gangs in  Chicago more than serving and protecting the people of Chicago and tourists who flock to this scumbag banksters paradise of illegal capital and the flag Mr Johnson worships is the four stared global city one and not the American flag.

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