Casino Billionaire Neil Bluhm merges a company playing the same old card game of mergers and acquisition his way to more fake wealth

Casey Kelso
  Old casino plutocrat mogul and fuck face Neil Bluhm is a casino billionaire and jagoffs like him have helped pave a way for Democratic corruption and money laundering from the international meddlers and cartels to move money and booty about  and give the process of casinoficaiton of our society and culture Bluhm online gaming and wagering company is doing he same old tired crony capitalism tactic of merging to avoid debt repayments and essentially create more value in an entity that really has little and this is the scam and ponzi scheme we see much of the capitalism in the globalist era and why the
globalist billionaire class is so fearful and resentful of populism elaborating a health disease crisis and tale in order to achieve continuance of this fraud. This old Billionaire ac scumbag is merging his Rush Street Interactive company with SMY technology which is not really a company but a hedge fund that raises dirty dollars to hut for business to set up these partnerships and frauds and this old
one eyed monster is one of the biggest lobbyists in government and he owns the Rivers casinos among others and basically if one ever goes into these casinos they re so stacked with security it is like going into a police state within a state. I think he owns Pottawatomie and one time I counted like 200 different security personal with tasers and guns in this Milwaukee casino. Billionaires like this bozo want ot put up as many gambling dens and screens to rip off people as they can and basically the mafia runs the show as these gambling parlors were always in the old day in the back of other business and had fronts and phony businesses but are no plain and easy to see visible for all. Bluhm's revenues  also come form the technocrats and the unregulated and easily fraudulent on-line casinos which are legal in some states but not others . Guys like this billionaire for years  lobbyed  the halls  of Montezuma and congress to legalize casinos  so they can play ponzi scheme shenanigans and merge time to time racking  up debt and free money 0% loans for themselves to gorge on and live life to the luxury and hourly hot  prostitutes from Venus.

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