Leonardo McGregor
Roman Balmokov and Chris Chapell both came out for strong support for the United States to once and for all end Tik Tok which is a tech application meant to spread misinformation and lies out for the liberal class and has been increasingly used by young members of the far left to brainwashing and recruit others to the ANTIFA communists organizations all with an end goal of working for China. Roman Balmokov and Chris Chappel have been fighting back against the evils of socialist CCP
China for years as Roman runs something called the Epoch Tomes Newspaper, a slick paper with a heavy focus covering our enemies overseas and mainly Chins. The Epoch Time sruns counter to American mainstream media news publications which instead are sympathetic to CHna and its rise because they are in a large part owned by foreign elite elements loyal to their countries and states and the global trade that supports their regimes. Both of these internet China critics have called for the banning of Tik Tok as news today leaks out that Microsoft is thinking about purchasing it form the CCP Party in China but in all affects this company should not be allowed to be an asset or new asset of another and all forms and
links to this Chinese company must come to an end as it has already become an effective brand and name propaganda for the extreme young violent left in this country proud to serve China and protest and burn for the CCP. Tik Tok even without the Chinese government spy ware is creepy and encourages young women to be hedonistic bitches and because of it this product and brand should be disabled and hopefully Trim listens to Secretary of State Pompeona and these two clowns and does the right thing banning Tik Tok and ending the weird teen smuggling human trafficking and sexual imagery of this site and ending all fame for the likes of Pokimone Fornight and fellow whore wanabee Neekolul
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