Laura Ingraham destroys John Fuckerman and the fakery and sickness that he represents and that he should withdraw from race or go into stand up when he can again

       Domick D'Saouza

   Arguing  that he should resign Fox News is Laura Ingraham totally ripped into the Pennsylvania Uncle Festerman candidate that is John Fetterman John Fetterman is a sick man who nearly died in May and he is still suffering the deliberating effects of a massive stroke the man should not be running and the man is not qualified to hold major political office and a person who only served half a term is Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman cannot dress he cannot talk he cannot walk he cannot think and Laura Ingraham a fox totally brought this up in a recent tirade against this McDonald's

grimace clown and how he is supposedly winning in this election of course these polls that claim John Thurman is winning our joke as no one is winning or losing an election months before the actual election and these polling data are supplied by the Democrat Party in order to suppress the votes of John Thurman's candidates opponents Doctor Mehmed Oz John Furman is a blimp who never took care of himself and he would never take care of the states and represent the interest of the people of Pennsylvania and is Laura Ingraham described he is a Uncle Festerman scary candidate who is allergic to dressing nice a man who cannot dress is a man who does not care about his appearance nor would he care about the interest of the people of Pennsylvania and serving them in the US Senate John fireman is a pig and a half who's

unhealthy eating habits have almost destroyed and killed him at an early age and in fact Dr Oz trolled the man as his campaign said that John Fetterman is so close to death because he cannot eat vegetables and his campaign can only criticize Dr Wilmot Oz and a video from months ago where he complained about the high costs of crew

today and vegetables and the Democrat Party and the Bidencrats indeed make healthy eating and living very difficult in order to serve the interest of the center of Disease Control who actually do want people to be more sick and don't want to improve the health of individuals throughout the world. The center of Disease Control is about control and not controlling disease and they seek to make America and in essence the world is unhealthy as it can as this generates a much more wealth and power for this nefarious industry John Thurman needs to do what is right and he needs to know his role and he should step down and have new elections for a Democratic candidate to take on Amendment on us and the Senate candidates and race should be held back for you until the Democrats run another election and have a candidate to replace this monster Thug hoodie wearing jackass who cannot even talk from the effects of a massive stroke months ago as we have stated throughout this political race John Fetterman needs to be nice to Dr Memhat Oz  as in might hire him to save his life and have heart surgery John Fetterman is a clown he is owned by the globalist and his wife and he would represent the interests of international socialism and even be unbelievably more extreme than the old geriatric scumbag from Vermont whose name doesn't need to be mentioned here at thsi time and is another man we hope and pray is near death. Fetterman is a shit head and he should get out of the stertorous complicated world of politics and consider a career change and we encourage stand up comedy for this buffoon.

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