Sick troll foreign-born scumbag podcaster David Pakman questions Herschel Walker's intelligence and compares him to OJ Simpson

 Whitaker Marshall III

   The leftist troll known as David Pakman and his continued racial attacks against Herschel Walker and questioning his ability to speak and think have angered many the Argentine and Venezuelan transnationalist YouTube host continues to play video clips that are taken out of context and that personally Pac-Man cannot understand because he is in his own bubble of Boston and doesn't understand the southern dialect and dialogue the foreign born Argentine fascist is one of the biggest propagandists on Politics on YouTube and he continues to lie throughout his podcast everyday and night always

attacking Republican politicians and spending 80% of his videos on former president Trump in this bizarre obsession and David Pakman is suffering from Trump deranged syndrome and anyone Trump supports absolutely draws the dryer from David Pakman and this could explain why he continues to misinform lie and question the IQ of Herschel Walker is the Argentine podcast troll also made the comparison to Herschel's domestic abuse and compared him to OJ Simpson in what may be the most despicable comparison and comment yet by this wicked communist YouTube host and internet troll known as David Packman. Most of the stuff Packman says questioning Herschel Walker's intelligence and whether he is suffering from brain damage though football again are more lies and sick smears from this Argentine and Venezuelan South American propagandist from Mars.
  The continuous  lie to whether Herschel Walker is able to read and write is pure racism from Davids Pakman and typical of the troll shit that he often repeats and lies though his YouTube leftist channel as this Che Guerra scumbag seeks a socialist republic and one party state and this is the type of society this foreign born bastard podcaster prefers as he continues daily to smear Mr Walker and Oz on his podcast determined to prevent these two from capturing a senate seat for the republicans. This Israeli fool Pakman did a new low making the

comparison of Herschel walker as some sort of another possible OJ Simpson and this comment is typical of the libtardness Republican derange syndrome disease from this podcaster.  Hershel Walker is a hundred times stronger,smarter, entertaining, fun, and 100 times more intelligent than David Pakman as the man is a former UFC fighter in addition to being this multi all pro stud baller who played for two of Americans professional football leagues and it is utterly a joke this Argentine fascist thinks he can just mick him and deplore his thinking or intelligence and clearly this fool Pakman would not do this face to face with Mr Walker. 

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