Morbidly obese Daym Drops drops a video kissing Guatemalan chicken and praising it

     Chuck " Cheese puff" Goodwin

     The morbidly obese YouTuber known as Daym Drops is someone who just films himself eat at all these different places. Damon Drops got together with a fan who likely paid for him to try Guatemalan chicken as in all his years of being a YouTube over either and food critic Damon Drops had never went to a Guatemalan restaurant and tried at some of their chicken dishes. This upset some Guatemalan fan of his name who contacted Damon Drops and likely dropped five figures to review this Guatemalan restaurant that he must have some connections to. Damon Drops dropped by this Guatemalan restaurant and try

Guatemalan chicken for the first time. Mr Drops kiss the ass of this dish as this Guatemalan guests told him that the best fried chicken in the world is made in Guatemala. This of course is a lie and only a Guatemalan would say this. The actual best chicken by far is Kentucky Fried Chicken and there's no chicken better prepared and made in the world than in Kentucky whether this Guatemala wants to believe it or not.

Naturally, Damon Drops praise this Guatemalan weird looking chicken they look like goes all breading and very little meat and this big overweight food obsessed Daym Drops will push forward any countries style and food specialties for the right price. 

    The Latino seem to be obsessed with cultural acceptance and domination and indeed this arrogant Guatemalan pushing forward and having fat boy Drops try this grotesque looking Guatemalan chicken was just further evidence of this. Dayton Drops ate this sick chicken in the car with his Guatemalan and praise the fried chicken and other food he was trying as Mr Drops again if someone's willing to direct him to a certain place and pay certain price the fat and

morbidly obese constantly eating Damon Drops couldn't give any higher praises for this Guatemalan Fried Chicken dish supposedly impressed Damon Drops if one wishes to believe his fat ass. Damon Drops did his weird and usual style as singing and bopping in style and this was yet another

successful and huge Damon Drops video. This was another Daym Drops video on YouTube he goes into all these different types of primarily fast food restaurants and gives his full unbridled opinion as a big gregarious and egregiously arrogant and pompous jackass that he is.

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