Psychotic pirate wannabe Dan Crenshaw threatens Tucker Carlson's life gets eviscerated online

    Troy York

         The inner psychotic Pirates of this cosplay politician Dan Crenshaw came out with a vengeance. A video of Mr Crenshaw threatening Tucker Carlson's life after being asked by about the former Fox News host and the Mic was still on following the interview is making the rounds and increasing the calls for Congressman Dan Crenshaw to resign as a sitting US congressman. This fool who wears a patch over his eye instead of getting some surgery and become a cyborg has complete arrogance and his loyalty to the Republican party has always been questioned by many

party members in other political pundits who wonder what the hell Dan Crenshaw is as a politician.  This crazed Texas US congressman needs to take that patch off in the eye and meet with Tucker Carlson and look him into his eyes and apologize.  

         Crenshaw's disgusting and crazed death threats against Tucker Carlson the straight from the 1860's and this guy needs to realize what century he's in and a quick cosplaying and acting like a fucking pirate. We have long written that Dan Crenshaw he's like this weird pirate individual perhaps he was one in a different life he needs to realize this is not 1645 anymore and he is living in 2024 as a US Congressman, one lucky individual 436 individuals in the most powerful nation that has ever existed. The fact that this guy would freely say that he wanted to kill a hugely popular and respected journalists like

Tucker Carlson and would do so on a live mic and with reporters and people all around shows that Mr Crenshaw's brain is popping as is privileged politician has lost his marbles among other things. He has lost very much his sanity as damn Crenshaw is a disgusting politician who's not even that good of a Republican and again instead of being angry and threatening the life of Tucker Carlson, he needs to look in the

mirror and look himself in the eye and wonder why Tucker Carlson is a prestigious and well respected Republican leaning and supported internet host and media legend would say the things that he does against him. Crenshaw doesn't want to look at himself and look inside him and realize why so many people hate him as the stupid and dumb psychotic things he is said and done is a bad US congressman through the years cannot be understated. This pirate politician needs to grow up quick cosplaying and show some respect to Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson's role in helping to get him elected in the battle against Joe Biden and a fascists within the Democratic Party then Crenshaw can be part of the team if he sets his sights straight ahead and not let something get in his way in vision of what he is supposed to be as a strong Republican leader. The importance of maintaining the majority and battling this crazy foreign funded socialist opposition that in dangerous this country's future empower seeking to destroy from within. Dan Crenshaw doesn't have the temperament to be a politician and to take criticism thus we consider a career change for him. He should get a assistant wide receivers coach job with a Dallas Cowboys or perhaps Dan Crenshaw and take up a routine and do some stand-up comedy and this man and his comedic nature and great speaking ability could maybe learn some comedic nature if he goes to the Gallagher School comedy.

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